
Demo ReactJS component

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Widget


  1. Download latest JS file from releases or directly social-widget.min.js
  2. Place it in your website root directory and link with <script...></script> tags


  1. Link it directly from Github (not recommended) with: <script src="https://github.com/jmarceli/social-widget/releases/download/v0.1.1/social-widget.min.js"></script>


Check project Github Pages for usage example:



There is only a single HTML tag required to display this social widget.

<div data-root data-url="./harvey.json"></div>


  • data-root - indicates element which will be used to mount component
  • data-url - JSON data source URL

JSON data source example:

  "profile": {
    "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg",
    "name": "Harvey Specter",
    "city": "New York",
    "country": "USA",
    "likes": 121,
    "following": 723,
    "followers": 4433
  "commentList": [
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "New. Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542942781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542542781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "OLD. Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542411681731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542542781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542542781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542542781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"
      "author": "Mike Ross",
      "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor it amet enim. Etiam...",
      "pubTimestamp": 1542542781731,
      "imgSrc": "./harvey-specter.jpg"


  • profile - is a profile data section
  • profile.imgSrc - person image in profile section (absolute or relative URL to image)
  • profile.name - person name
  • profile.city - location info
  • profile.country - location info
  • profile.likes - number of likes
  • profile.following - number of followed people
  • profile.followers - number of followers (incremented with FOLLOW button)
  • commentList[] - array with comment objects
  • commentList[].author - comment author name and surname
  • commentList[].content - comment content
  • commentList[].pubTimestamp - comment publication timestamp
  • commentList[].imgSrc - comment author image

Known bugs

  • empty commentList info message doesn't have correct font-family
  • empty commentList[].imgSrc is not supported


  • persistance support (e.g. LocalStorage)
  • cross-browser compatibility test (e.g. with BrowserStack)
  • "load more" button for comments on comments list
  • JSON values validation
  • unwanted padding after closing comments list
  • use Pure.Components to optimize comments performance
  • compare "traditional" state with Redux and ApolloGraphQL managers

Jan Grzegorowski