
Open Sigfox Stack Reference Implementation - Cross-Platform PHY Layer for STMicroelectronics S2-LP

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

renard-phy-s2lp - Sigfox Protocol Physical Layer for S2-LP

renard-phy-s2lp is an open source physical layer implementation of the Sigfox protocol's uplink and downlink for STMicroelectronics' S2-LP ultra-low power transceiver chip. It uses librenard internally for encoding and decoding of Sigfox frames. renard-phy-s2lp only supports regulatory zone "RC1" (Europe / Overseas France / Middle East and Africa).

It does not directly interface with the S2-LP, but through a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Moreover, it only depends on functionality provided by the C standard library. This makes it possible to port this driver to various different Microcontroller platforms and processor architectures.

Software Stack

Currently, the following hardware abstraction layers (with their respective demo applications) exist:

Platform HAL Demo Application
Espressif ESP32 renard-phy-s2lp-hal-esp32 renard-phy-s2lp-demo-esp32
STMicroelectronics STM32L0 renard-phy-s2lp-hal-stm32 renard-phy-s2lp-demo-stm32


See the applications listed in the table above for sample code that demonstrates how to integrate renard-phy-s2lp into your project.


renard-phy-s2lp was partly created by carefully studying the source code of STMicroelectronics' STM32Cube Software Expansion "X-CUBE-SFOX".


renard-phy-s2lp is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.