
Terraform module that provides an simplified approach for creating firewall rules in GCP

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google Cloud VPC Firewall Rules

This module that provides a simplified approach for creating/managing firewall rules in GCP.

It supports mixed values in both the source and target JSON field and uses string matching to determine type, types and logic listed below....

  • service_accounts = if length(split("@", x)) > 1
  • tags = if length(split("@", x)) < 2 && !can(cidrnetmask(x))
  • subnet_ranges = if can(cidrnetmask(x))

Example Json Firewall Rule

Firewall Rules must be formated as valid JSON and added to a directory called rules. The id field must be unique within a given JSON file but does not need to be globaly unique.

        "id": "1111111",
        "description": "This rule will allow all traffic from service-account-name@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com to and instances running with service-account service-account-name@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com ",
        "action": "allow",
        "direction": "EGRESS",
        "log_config": "EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA",
        "priority": 1000,
        "sources": [
        "targets": [
        "rules": [
                "protocol": "TCP",
                "ports": ["80","8080-8088"]


Basic usage of this module is as follows:

locals {
    firewall_rule_path = "./rules"
    firewall_rule_sets = fileset(local.firewall_rule_path,"*")
    firewall_rules = flatten([ for rules in local.firewall_rule_sets: [
            for rule in jsondecode(file("${local.firewall_rule_path}/${rules}")): 

module "firewall_rules" { 
    source  = "r-teller/firewall-rules/google"

    project_id      = var.project_id
    network         = var.network

    for_each        = { for rule in local.firewall_rules:  "${rule.fileName}--${rule.id}" => rule }
    firewall_rule  = each.value

Module Inputs

Name Description Type Required
project_id Project id of the project that holds the network. string yes
network Name of the network this set of firewall rules applies to. string yes
firewall_rule Firewall Rule object to be passed to the Firewall Rules Module object yes

Firewall Rule Object Format

Name Description Type Default Required
id unique identifier for this rule within the json file String N/A yes
description Description of what the rule is intended to do String null no
action The action for the firewall rule allow or deny N/A yes
direction The direction for the firewall rule INGRESS or EGRESS N/A yes
log_config This field denotes whether logging is enabled and if to include or exclude metadata for firewall logs. EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA, INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA or DISABLED DISABLED no
priority This field denotes whether to include or exclude metadata for firewall logs. Number 1000 no
disabled Denotes whether the firewall rule is disabled, i.e not applied to the network it is associated with. Boolean false no
sources A list of instance tags, service accounts or subnet ranges indicating source resources that may initiate network connections list(String) N/A yes
targets A list of instance tags, service accounts or subnet ranges indicating target resources that may recieve network connections list(String) N/A yes
rules A list of protocols and optional list of ports to which this rule applies. Each ports entry must be either an integer, range or an empty list [] to indicate all ports for the given protocol. list(Object{protocol=String, ports=list(String)}) N/A yes

Bonus Example

Using the local_file resource you can output the created rules to a JSON file and then use the provided PowerShell script to compare Firewall Rules managed by this Terraform Module and any existing rules in GCP to identify any unmanaged rules.

Note: This section expects an ouputs directory to exist as a valid target for JSON file output

locals {
    firewall_rule_path = "./rules"
    firewall_rule_sets = fileset(local.firewall_rule_path,"*")
    firewall_rules = flatten([ for rules in local.firewall_rule_sets: [
            for rule in jsondecode(file("${local.firewall_rule_path}/${rules}")): 

module "firewall_rules" { 
    source  = "r-teller/firewall-rules/google"

    project_id      = var.project_id
    network         = var.network

    for_each        = { for rule in local.firewall_rules:  "${rule.fileName}--${rule.id}" => rule }
    firewall_rule  = each.value

### Creates JSON file that contains a list of all configured rules
resource "local_file" "rules_json" {
    content     = jsonencode((values(module.firewall_rules)).*.firewall_rule)
    filename = "${path.module}/outputs/managed.json"
## PowerShell example
pwsh .\unmanaged_rules.ps1

project                network                        unmanaged firewall rule      disabled
-------                -------                        -----------------------      --------
rteller-demo-host-aaaa bridged-vpc-ic-remote-vpc-5b78 bridged-vpc-icr-echo-fw-5b78    False
rteller-demo-host-aaaa bridged-vpc-ic-remote-vpc-5b78 bridged-vpc-icr-iap-fw-5b78     False