DORM (Document Object Render Model). Render HTML documents using JavaScript objects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DORM (Document Object Render Model). Render HTML documents using JavaScript objects.


Make sure you have NodeJS installed. Run the following command:

npm install dorm -g

-g option will install the npm package globally.


Here is a simple example how you can use DORM to render your HTML documents.

First, write a DORM file containing a JSON structured object:

  "doctype" : {},
  "html" : {
    "children" : [
        "head" : {
          "children" : [
              { "title": { "children" : [{"text" : "website title"}] }}
        "body" : {
          "children" : [
              { "div": {} }

Save this file as example.json. Execute the dorm program and pass this file as parameter.

dorm example.json


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>website title</title>




To minify the file output run the command above adding the parameter -m or --minify.

dorm -m example.json


Usage: dorm [options] <file>


  -h, --help     output usage information
  -V, --version  output the version number
  -m, --minify   Minify the HTML output
  -o, --output   Create a HTML output file with the same name as the input file


Todo list made with todo.c:

 1	+ travis
 2	+ tests
 3	+ JavaScript events
 4	+ client version
 5	- Insert inline stylesheets
 6	- deal with self-closed elements like <br>
 7	- Insert ATTR on tags
 8	- Insert TEXT as content of TAG
 9	- transfer text to children element
10	- Add chain methods
11	- find solution for <span> in the middle of TEXT
12	- add -pretty option for indented output, otherwise will be minified
13	- doctype
14	- tabspaces for indentation
15	- STYLE method
16	- Pretty indentation for output
17	- include commander for command-line options
18	- minify option with commander
19	- -o (output) will create HTML files as output with the same name as the JSON files of input
20	- auto executable program
21	- convert into NPM module