
Dynamo-flavored workflow engine.

Primary LanguageErlang

-*- mode: org -*-



MeshUp is an interpreter for a DSL for describing business workflows which cleanly separate computation from side-effects. It provides a notation for specifying APIs in large Erlang systems and exploits the information contained in these specifications to do all sorts of unspeakable things to the storage layer.

More concretely, a MeshUp workflow is defined by providing implementations of three foundational interfaces: A meshup_endpoint describes the overall application logic, one or more meshup_services contribute pure primitives, and one or more meshup_stores control access to side-effects (most commonly data stores).

With such implementations in hand, the enterprising user calls meshup:start/1 on an endpoint and watches, filled with glee, as entire write-sets are durably written to dumb key/value-stores, conflict resolution procedures are tried locally before committing changes to an eventually consistent database, and dozens of useful data points are shipped off to the metrics package of her choice.

Not to mention the ample opportunities for mocking that structuring an application around interfaces gives you for free.


A brief aside on callbacks

MeshUp extends Erlang’s notion of a callback (i.e. a module implementing a certain set of functions) with dynamic callbacks - basically closures over a method table.

Implementations of all MeshUp behaviours can be placed in regular Erlang modules or created at runtime by calling a callback constructor, of which each behaviour module exports two.

new/1 takes a method table, a list with an even number of arguments, where a tuple of the form {CbFunName, Arity} is followed by an Erlang fun of arity Arity which implements the logic associated with CbFunName.

make/N takes one argument for each callback function, in alphabetical order, constructs the corresponding method table and passes it to new/1.

As an example, the meshup_endpoint behaviour consists of two functions, flow/0 and post_commit/0, which we’ll get into later.

A static endpoint is implemented in the traditional way:

-export([ flow/0
        , post_commit/0

flow() -> [ ... ].
post_commit() -> [].

A dynamic endpoint can make use of runtime-information:

> MyEndpoint = meshup_endpoint:make(fun() -> ... end, fun() -> ... end).


> MyEndpoint = meshup_endpoint:new([ {flow,0},         fun() -> ... end
                                   , {post_commit, 0}, fun() -> ... end


MeshUp (insightfully) views application logic as a series of steps where each step is a call to a method of some meshup_service. An endpoint describes one specific series of steps via its flow/0 callback function, which returns a list of {ServiceCallback, Method} tuples:

flow() ->
  [ {service_cb0, method0}
  , ...
  , {service_cbN, methodN}

Steps are performed in sequence until either a step fails or the end of the workflow is reached. Every running flow is associated with a a data-context, a mapping of namespaced names to values, from which methods take arguments and to which results are added as control progresses through the flow.

The input to MeshUp is an endpoint and an initial context (empty or containing external input data). The output is the final context. The input to each method is a context derived from the current flow-context and the output is a context which is merged back into the current flow-context.

Jump Tables

Any step may optionally be augmented with a jump table. Jump tables are lists of Rsn/Arrow/Handler triples, where each entry indicates that, rather than aborting on an error with error reason Rsn, control should pass to Handler and Arrow shows how to get there.

-type rsn()     :: atom().
-type arrow()   :: '<=' | '<-' | '=>' | '->'.
-type handler() :: {ServiceName::atom(), MethodName::atom()}.

flow() ->
  [ {service_cb0, method0}
  , ...
  , {service_cbI, methodI}, [ foo, '<=', {service0, method0}
                            , bar, '->', {serviceIp2, methodIp2}
  , {service_cbIp1, methodIp1}
  , {service_cbIp2, methodIp2}

Arrows point in the direction of the handler. Thick arrows cause a “call” to the handler - control will return to the current step after the handler returns. Thin arrows cause a “goto” to the handler - control will proceed with the step following the handler once the handler returns.

In the example above, methodIp1 will be skipped whenever methodI returns a foo-error.

Suspending Flows & Flows of Flows






A meshup_service makes existing Erlang code usable in a MeshUp workflow by adapting it to MeshUp’s calling conventions and describing the API in a standard format.

In particular, each service exports an API consisting of one or more methods - the basic computational building blocks of a MeshUp workflow - which are made accessible to MeshUp via four callback functions.

describe/2 has two clauses per method and should return the input/output contracts respectively for that method.

describe(method1, input)  -> [ ... ];
describe(method1, output) -> [ ... ];
describe(methodN, output) -> [ ... ];

Contracts are explained in detail below.

call/2 implements MeshUp’s calling conventions with one clause per method. Typically, the method’s arguments are extracted from the in-context and passed to an existing function whose return value is then converted into an out-context and wrapped using meshup:ok/1 or meshup:error/1,2 to indicate success and failure respectively.

call(method1, InCtx) ->
  Arg1 = meshup_contexts:get(InCtx, ...),
  ArgN = meshup_contexts:get(InCtx, ...),
  case some:function(Arg1, ..., ArgN) of
    {ok, _}      -> meshup:ok([ ... ]);
    {error, Rsn} -> meshup:error(Rsn)
call(methodN, InCtx) ->

sla(Method) should return an upper bound, in ms, on the expected running time of the method.

sla(method1) -> 10;
sla(_)       -> infinity.

props/1 is currently unused, and should return the empty list.

Each service also has a name/0, which must be an atom.


Recall that MeshUp computes the out-context of a flow from an initial in-context by stepping through a series of method calls. The out-context of a flow is the union of the out-contexts computed by each method. The in-context to each method is a subset of whatever data is in the flow-context when that method is reached (it’s up to the author of the flow to ensure that the flow-context will be able to satisfy each method’s input contract, though meshup_lint:check/1 can help).

A method’s input/output contracts describe the shape of the contexts the method expects to consume/produce at runtime.

Contexts are dictionaries which map names to application-specific values. Contracts are unordered lists of names. MeshUp guarantees that a method will be called with a context which maps each of the names in the method’s input-contract to a value. The method promises to return a context which maps each of the names in its output-contract (and only those names) to a value.

Names are arbitrarily nested lists of atoms, tuples of size > 1, and integers. The first element of a name must be an atom, that name’s namespace. In general, methods may consume names from any namespace but only produce names in the namespace associated with their service (identical to the service’s name/0). There are two built-in namespaces. If the initial flow-context is non-empty, it must contain only names in the input namespace. Any service may contribute to the shared namespace (but shared names may not be stored directly, see below).


describe(method, input)  -> [ [myservice,    foo]
                            , [some_service, bar]
                            , [input,        baz]
describe(method, output) -> [ [myservice, foo]
                            , [myservice, quux]
                            , [shared,    snarf]

call(method, InCtx) ->
  Foo = meshup_contexts:get(InCtx, [myservice,    foo]),
  Bar = meshup_contexts:get(InCtx, [some_service, bar]),
  Baz = meshup_contexts:get(InCtx, [input,        baz]),
  case myservice_internal:method((Foo, Bar, Baz) of
    {ok, {Foo, Quux, Snarf}} ->
      meshup:ok([ [myservice, foo],   Foo
                , [myservice, quux],  Quux
                , [shared,    snarf], Snarf
    {error, Rsn} -> meshup:error(Rsn)

name() -> myservice.


The model outline above works well so long as all data needed to satisfy a method’s input contract is computed (starting from the inital context) by methods which occur earlier in the flow.

Since flows are rarely stateless in practice, MeshUp provides a way to import/export data into/from the flow-context from/to an external data store.

Additionally, some flows compute the fixpoint of a context iteratively, which is easier to express under somewhat relaxed contract rules.

Each name in a contract may be associated with a list of key/value-annotations. The current implementation supports two:

  • {store, StoreCallback} – which meshup_store to read/write the name from/to
  • {optional, boolean()} – optional names may or may not show up in the corresponding contexts


describe(method, input) -> [ [service, name1]
                           , {[service, name2], [ {store, mystore}
                                                , {optional, true}

The Pattern Language

Contracts as described so far are sufficient for many cases, but do not yet address the tension between compile-time and run-time name resolution. In particular, since contracts are static artifacts (barring dynamic-callback hackery), it’s impossible to denote names which depend on dynamic information.

Let’s say we want to read a user object from our database:

describe(method, input) -> [ {[myservice, user], [{store, mydb}]}

… which isn’t very useful since we don’t know which user to fetch (the user ID is likely to be different for each execution of a flow which calls this method).

MeshUp solves this issue by implementing a simple pattern language for contracts, i.e. rather than being lists of names, contracts are actually lists of name patterns which are matched against the actual names that occur in a context at run-time.

Patterns are just like names, with the addition of two syntactic objects: Variables, written {X} where X is an atom are replaced with the corresponding component of the name against which the pattern is being matched. Substitutions, {{X}} where X is a name pattern which does not contain further substitutions are replaced with the value associated with X in the context in which the name against which the substitution is being matched occurs.

Our example above becomes:

describe(method, input) -> [ {[myservice, user, {id}], [{store, mydb}]}

call(method, Ctx) ->
  User = meshup_contexts:get(Ctx, [myservice, user, {id}]),

When deriving the in-context of a method from the flow-context, MeshUp will first match the list of patterns in the method’s input contract against the names occuring in the flow-context, yielding a list of names. It then constructs a context mapping these names to the values associated with them in the flow-context and passes that to the method.

Here’s a more elaborate version of our example which illustrates some additional features of MeshUp’s pattern matcher:

describe(method, input) ->
  [ [input, user_id]                          %\  substitutions must
  , { [myservice, user, {{[input, user_id]}}] % \ point to a name
    , [{store, mydb}]                         % / occuring in the
    }                                         %/  same contract

  , {[myservice, tab1, {key}]]                } %\ variables have
  , {[myservice, tab2, {key}], [{store, mydb}]} %/ contract scope


Here, MeshUp will attempt to get [myservice, user, ID] from the current flow-context, where ID is the value associated with [input, user_id] in the current flow-context.

MeshUp will then attempt to read [myservice, tab2, Key] from mydb where Key is whatever {key} was bound to when matching [myservice, tab1, {key}] against the current flow-context.

In practice, substitutions are most commonly used in input-contracts to propagate dynamically calculated keys, while variables are used in output contracts to let dynamically calculated names pass the contract checker.






Methods must wrap their out-contexts using either meshup:ok/1 to indicate success, or meshup:error/1,2 to indicate failure. meshup:error/1 takes and error reason which may be used to index into a jump table. meshup:error/2 additionally takes an out-context which will be merged into the current flow-context as if the method had returned successfully; methods may use this mechanism to communicate with their handlers.


meshup_store is an abstract interface to read/write-style side-effects. The basic operations are del/1, get/1, and put/2.

Conceptually, MeshUp calls


when it encounters an input contract clause of the form

{Name, [{store, store_cb}]}

and Name isn’t in the current flow-context.

If and only if a flow returns successfully, MeshUp will call

store_cb:put(Name, meshup_contexts:get(FinalCtx, Name)

for every item in the final context which was produced by a method which had a

{Name, [{store, store_cb}]}

clause in its output contract.

MeshUp transparently converts between the value-representations expected by the application and the database.

After reading a value from a store, MeshUp will call

store:bind(Name, Value)

which should return a tuple {AppValue, Meta} where AppValue is the value that will be passed to the application and Meta will be given as an argument to return when writing the value back to the database.

Before writing to a store, MeshUp calls either

store:return(Name, Value, Meta)


store:return(Name, Value)

depending on whether the value was updated or created. Return should return whatever put/2 expects to receive as its second argument.

Finally, MeshUp supports eventually consistent data stores by allowing the user to apply conflict resolution procedures to the local history of a value whenever it’s updated within a flow. To this end, stores may provide a merge/3 callback function which takes a name and two conflicting values and returns a single value or an error.

For example, in the following flow:

[ {service, method1}
, {service, method2}
, ...

describe(method1, input)  -> [ [service, tab, key] ];
describe(method1, output) -> [ { [service, tab, key]
                               , [{store, store_cb}]
describe(method2, input)  -> [ [service, tab, key] ];
describe(method2, output) -> [ [service, tab, key] ];

MeshUp will call

Name = [service, tab, key],
store_cb:merge(Name, meshup_contexts:get(CurrentCtx, Name), NewVal)

where NewVal is the value associated with [service, tab, key] in method2’s out-context to ensure that the local update is resolvable.

Storage Semantics


MeshUp itself is completetly stateless - specific semantics are determined by the meshup_store implementations used.

That said, MeshUp was built with a specific use-case in mind: making Dynamo-class distributed key/value-stores such as Riak more developer-friendly.

A typical application interacts with its database by reading some data from it, performing some computation on that data, then writing new or updated data back. In MeshUp, these steps correspond to preparing an in-context (data items with store-annotations which aren’t present in the current flow-context will be read from a meshup_store), calling a method, and absorbing the method’s out-context back into the current flow-context (all data items with store-annotations which are produced in this way will be written to their respective meshup_stores when the flow finishes).

Since reads are serviced from the current flow-context whenever possible, methods in a Meshup flow are guaranteed read-your-writes consistency.

Secondly, MeshUp can be configured to use a write-ahead log and a redo-logger to ensure that the entire write-set produced by a flow will show up in its stores eventually iff a flow completes successfully.



Session Store





We’ll use the MeshUp shell to step through the example endpoint and services found in test/.

jakob@snarfbolg:/usr/home/jakob/git/meshup$ erl -pa .eunit -pz ../*/ebin
Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [rq:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8.5  (abort with ^G)
1> meshup_shell:repl(test_endpoint, [[input, goods], [stuff, more_stuff]]).
meshup> help
help       -- print this message
print      -- pretty-print the current computation
step       -- perform the next step in the current computation
resume CTX -- resume a suspended computation with input CTX
finish     -- run the current computation to completion
quit       -- exit the MeshUp shell

meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) -> %<<<
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]

We start the shell with an endpoint and an input context literal. MeshUp’s pretty printer displays flows in the pseudo-Erlang notation seen above. The current instruction is highlighted by <<<.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) ->
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) -> %<<<
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]

After the first call, we have a new item in the flow context, and control is now at step two.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: [f1]
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) -> %<<<
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email

Notice that control reverted to f0, f1’s insufficient_data-handler, and that the top-of-stack now contains f1.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: [f1]
Status: '__suspended__'
f0(X) -> %<<<
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email

The computation is now suspended, pending further input.

meshup> resume [[input, email], "foo@bar.baz"]
meshup> print
Stack: [f1]
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) -> %<<<
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email
[input,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): "foo@bar.baz"

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) ->
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) -> %<<<
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  1 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email
[checkout,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): "foo@bar.baz"
[input,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): "foo@bar.baz"

After resuming and stepping again, we’re back at f1.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) ->
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)). %<<<
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X).

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  1 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email
[id,customer] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): "foo"
[checkout,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): "foo@bar.baz"
[input,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): "foo@bar.baz"

f1 has used sophisticated identity-matching algorithms to determine the user. Control can finally proceed to f2.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__running__'
f0(X) ->
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X). %<<<

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  1 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[risk,score] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({risk,score_customer}): 42
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email
[id,customer] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): "foo"
[checkout,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): "foo@bar.baz"
[input,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): "foo@bar.baz"

f2 manages to score the user right away, so we’re ready to wrap things up.

meshup> step
meshup> print
Stack: []
Status: '__halted__'
f0(X) ->
  case checkout:query_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f1(Res)
    {error, block} -> '=>'(f{})
f1(X) ->
  case id:identify_customer(X) of
    {ok, Res} -> f2(Res)
    {error, insufficient_data} -> '<='(f0)
f2(X) -> f3(risk:score_customer(X)).
f3(X) -> accepted:finalize_purchase(X). %<<<

[checkout,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  1 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): [stuff,more_stuff]
[input,goods] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): [stuff,more_stuff]
[risk,score] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({risk,score_customer}): 42
[id,suggestion] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): email
[accepted,purchase] (#Fun<meshup_callbacks.1.14164469>:undefined) =>
  0 ({accepted,finalize_purchase}): {[stuff,more_stuff],"foo",42}
[id,customer] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({id,identify_customer}): "foo"
[checkout,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 ({checkout,query_customer}): "foo@bar.baz"
[input,email] ('':undefined) =>
  0 (init): "foo@bar.baz"

meshup> quit

The computation has finished successfully and the final context is ready for further processing.


jakob@angry.primat.es:~/git/klarna/meshup$ gmake
jakob@angry.primat.es:~/git/klarna/meshup$ gmake test


test.hrl                 -- Convenience macros for use in unit tests

meshup.app.src           -- Application resource file
meshup.erl               -- API
meshup_callbacks.erl     -- Dynamic callbacks
meshup_caps.erl          -- Capabilities
meshup_contexts.erl      -- Context ADT
meshup_contracts.erl     -- the compile-time part of I/O contracts
meshup_endpoint.erl      -- Endpoint behaviour (and evaluator)
meshup_flow.erl          -- Session-flow pre-processor
meshup_lib.erl           -- Utility functions
meshup_lint.erl          -- Endpoint sanity checker
meshup_logger.erl        -- Session logger behaviour
meshup_matcher.erl       -- the runtime part of I/O contracts
meshup_pp.erl            -- Pretty-printing
meshup_promises.erl      -- Write-barriers
meshup_resolver.erl      -- Behaviour for conflict resolution procedures
meshup_service.erl       -- Service behaviour
meshup_sessions.erl      -- Session semantics
meshup_shell.erl         -- REPL
meshup_state.erl         -- State management
meshup_store.erl         -- Datastore behaviour
meshup_test.erl          -- Test support
meshup_test_services.erl -- Misc services for use in unit tests
meshup_txn.erl           -- Generate a flow from a function.
shared.hrl               -- Constants and macros
