
An xhgui (with nginx, mongodb and php) container for profiling PHP Applications.

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Xhgui docker image

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Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/edyan/xhgui

Docker containers that runs xhgui (which needs mongodb, nginx and PHP).

It's based on :

It's made for development purposes.

To use it in an integrated environment, try Stakkr

Run Docker image

To make it work, you need to link it to an existing PHP environment. Example via docker-compose.yml :

version: '2'
    image: edyan/xhgui:php7.2
    # I need to access xhgui
      - "9000:80"
      - ./xhgui-config.php:/usr/local/src/xhgui/config/config.php
    hostname: php
    image: edyan/php:7.2
    # To have the new mounted volumes as well as the default volumes of xhgui (its source code)
    volumes_from: [xhgui]
      - ./src:/var/www

  # the "visible" part (web server)
    hostname: web
    image: edyan/apache:2.4-slim
      - "8000:80"
      # /var/www is my default document root in that image
      - ./src:/var/www

As seen above, you need to mount your own configuration file that connects to the right mongodb server. The xhgui-config.php file, in our case (see the official xhgui repo), will contain (note the db.host):

return array(
    'debug' => false,
    'mode' => 'development',
    'save.handler' => 'mongodb',
    'db.host' => 'mongodb://xhgui',
    'db.db' => 'xhprof',
    'db.options' => array(),
    'templates.path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/templates',
    'date.format' => 'M jS H:i:s',
    'detail.count' => 6,
    'page.limit' => 25,
    'profiler.enable' => function () {
        return true;
    'profiler.simple_url' => function ($url) {
        return preg_replace('/\=\d+/', '', $url);

And the src/index.php:



echo strtoupper('abc');

Finally, launch the environment with : docker-compose up --force-recreate. Then call http://localhost:8000/index.php in your browser and get reports from http://localhost:9000.

Call the profiler

With require_once

You have two ways to call the profiler. The first one, the most easiest, is to require the file from your script. For that you must mount the volumes (with volumes_from) of the xhgui container to your php container. The code is the following:

// ... Code below


If you want to profile everything then you must override the second one, by altering the php.ini configuration and use PHP's auto_prepend_file directive:


If you use edyan/php you can override the configuration. See the documentation

Environment variables

Two variables have been created (FPM_UID and FPM_GID) to override the www-data user and group ids. Giving the current user login / pass that runs the container, it will allow anybody to own the files read / written by the fpm daemon (started by www-data).