
Swiss-army knife for D source code

Primary LanguageDBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Dscanner is a tool used to analyze D source code.


  • --dotComplete sourceFile cursorPosition - Provide autocompletion for the insertion of the dot operator. The cursor position is the character position in the file, not the position in the line.
  • --sloc sourceFiles - count the number of logical lines of code in the given source files.
  • --json sourceFile - Generate a JSON summary of the given source file
  • --parenComplete sourceFile cursorPosition - Provides a listing of function parameters or pre-defined version identifiers at the cursor position. The cursor position is the character position in the file, not the line.
  • --highlight sourceFile - Syntax-highlight the given source file. The resulting HTML will be written to standard output.
  • -I includePath - Include includePath in the list of paths used to search for imports. By default dscanner will search in the current working directory as well as any paths specified in /etc/dmd.conf. This is only used for the --parenComplete and --dotComplete options
  • --ctags sourceFile - Generates ctags information from the given source code file.
  • --recursive -R -r directory - When used with --ctags, dscanner will produce ctags output for all .d and .di files contained within directory and its sub-directories.

Dot Completion

This is currently under development.

Output format

The output of the --dotComplete option is a list of valid completions at the given cursor position. The completions are printed one per line. Lines are ended by a single line feed character (0x0a). Each line consists of the symbol name followed by a single space character (0x20), followed by one character indicating what the symbol is. Symbol definitions are taken from the list of recommended "kind" values from the CTAGS standard unless there was no relevant recommendaton present.

Example output:
foo v
bar f
Supported kinds
  • c -- class names
  • i -- interface names
  • s -- structure names
  • v -- variable
  • m -- member variable
  • k -- keyword, built-in version, scope statement
  • f -- function or method
  • g -- enum name
  • P -- package
  • M -- module

Paren Completion

Provides either a call tip for a function call or a list of pre-defined version identifiers for a version() statement, or a list of scope identifiers for a scope() statement. Anyone integrating dscanner into a text editor needs to look at the first line of the output to determine whether to display an autocomplete list or a call tip. (In the case of Scintilla, these are different)

Call tips

Outputs the word "calltips" followed by a newline, followed by the call tips for the function before the cursor. One overload of the function is printed per line. The call tip may have newlines and tabs escaped in the common "\n" and "\t" format. These should be un-escaped for display.

Example output
Token[] tokenize(S inputString,\n\tIterationStyle iterationStyle)


Outputs the word "completions" followed by a newline, followed by a completion list. See the documentation on the --dotComplete option for details

Example output
exit k
failure k
success k

JSON output

Generates a JSON summary of the input file.


The given D code:

module example;

import std.stdio;

interface Iface {
	double interfaceMethod();

class SomeClass(T) if (isSomeString!T) : IFace {
	this() {}
	void doStuff(T);
	override double interfaceMethod() {}
	T theTee;

int freeFunction(int x) { return x + x; }

void main(string[] args) {


is transformed into the following JSON markup:

  "name" : "example",
  "imports" : [
  "interfaces" : [
	  "name" : "Iface",
	  "line" : 5,
	  "protection" : "public",
	  "attributes" : [
	  "constraint" : "",
	  "templateParameters" : [
	  "functions" : [
		  "name" : "interfaceMethod",
		  "line" : 6,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "constraint" : "",
		  "templateParameters" : [
		  "parameters" : [
		  "returnType" : "double"
	  "variables" : [
	  "baseClasses" : [
  "classes" : [
	  "name" : "SomeClass",
	  "line" : 9,
	  "protection" : "public",
	  "attributes" : [
	  "constraint" : "if (isSomeString!T)",
	  "templateParameters" : [
	  "functions" : [
		  "name" : "this",
		  "line" : 11,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "constraint" : "",
		  "templateParameters" : [
		  "parameters" : [
		  "returnType" : ""
		  "name" : "doStuff",
		  "line" : 12,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "constraint" : "",
		  "templateParameters" : [
		  "parameters" : [
			  "name" : "",
			  "line" : 0,
			  "protection" : "",
			  "attributes" : [
			  "type" : "T"
		  "returnType" : "void"
		  "name" : "interfaceMethod",
		  "line" : 13,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "constraint" : "",
		  "templateParameters" : [
		  "parameters" : [
		  "returnType" : "double"
	  "variables" : [
		  "name" : "theTee",
		  "line" : 15,
		  "protection" : "private",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "type" : "T"
	  "baseClasses" : [
  "structs" : [
  "structs" : [
  "functions" : [
	  "name" : "freeFunction",
	  "line" : 18,
	  "protection" : "",
	  "attributes" : [
	  "constraint" : "",
	  "templateParameters" : [
	  "parameters" : [
		  "name" : "x",
		  "line" : 18,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "type" : "int"
	  "returnType" : "int"
	  "name" : "main",
	  "line" : 20,
	  "protection" : "",
	  "attributes" : [
	  "constraint" : "",
	  "templateParameters" : [
	  "parameters" : [
		  "name" : "args",
		  "line" : 20,
		  "protection" : "",
		  "attributes" : [
		  "type" : "string[]"
	  "returnType" : "void"
  "variables" : [
  "enums" : [

Ctags output

Dscanner can create a tags file from the specified file. Output is formatted as specified at http://ctags.sourceforge.net/FORMAT. The result of generating ctags on the same file used in the JSON example will produce this output:

!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL https://github.com/Hackerpilot/Dscanner/
Iface	tmp.d	3;"	c	inherits:
SomeClass	tmp.d	7;"	c	inherits:IFace
doStuff	tmp.d	10;"	f	arity:1	struct:SomeClass
freeFunction	tmp.d	16;"	f	arity:1
interfaceMethod	tmp.d	11;"	f	arity:0	struct:SomeClass
interfaceMethod	tmp.d	4;"	f	arity:0	struct:Iface
main	tmp.d	18;"	f	arity:1
theTee	tmp.d	13;"	m	struct:SomeClass
this	tmp.d	9;"	f	arity:0	struct:SomeClass

Line of Code count

This option counts the logical lines of code in the given source files, not simply the physical lines. More specifically, it counts the number of semicolons, if, while, case, foreach, and for tokens in the given files.


Syntax highlights the given file in HTML format. Output is written to stdout. The CSS styling information is currently hard-coded.