
The Azure API Management landing zone accelerator provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare landing zone subscriptions for a scalable API Management infrastructure.

Primary LanguageBicepMIT LicenseMIT

Enterprise-Scale-APIM Lite (Fork)

This repo is a fork of Enterprise-Scale-APIM. Checkout the original repository for a complete enterprise deployment reference. This fork focuses on demonstrating how to successfully provision an internal APIM instance in an existing dev environment (spoke).

What was ommitted:

What was added:

  • An additional Private DNS Zone configuration.azure-api.net to support Self-Hosted Gateways
  • Ability to deploy into an existing Virtual Network (In progress)
  • Ability to specify the size of the Vnet

How to deploy in your environment

  1. AZ CLI

    Clone the repository

      #clone the repository
      git clone https://github.com/jmasengeshomsft/apim-landing-zone-accelerator-lite.git

    From the home directory, run the following:

    cd reference-implementations/AppGW-IAPIM-Func/bicep
    #azure location
    location="your azure region"
    #name of the deployment
    #prefix to be used in naming resources
    workloadName="up to 8 letters prefix"
    #environment, used in naming resources
    # run the bicep deploy commant at the subscription level 
    az deployment sub create --location $location --name $name --template-file main.bicep --parameters workloadName=$workloadName environment=$environment CICDAgentType=none
  2. Pipeline with GitHub Actions

    To deploy resources in an Azure Subscription, we will use the pipeline under .github/workflows/es-apim.yaml

      #clone or fork the repository
      git clone https://github.com/jmasengeshomsft/apim-landing-zone-accelerator-lite.git

    Navigate to the Bicep folder by running the following script from the repo home directory

      cd reference-implementations/AppGW-IAPIM-Func/bicep

    Deployment Parameters

    Update config.yaml with your variables:

      AZURE_LOCATION: 'your azure region'
      RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX: 'up to 8 letters prefix'
      ENVIRONMENT_TAG: 'dev'
      CICD_AGENT_TYPE: 'none'

    AZ Login With a Service Principal

    The original repository uses OpenID Connect (OIDC) with a Azure service principal using a Federated Identity Credential. For simplicity in this fork, we will use a service principal with secret. We will only need to set up one action secret wit four pieces information in a json object. If you prefer Federated authentication, follow the documentation in the original repo and adjust the pipeline accordingly.

    • Create a Service Principal and assign it Contributor role to the Subscription where APIM will be deployed

    • Create and obtain the value of secret for the created Service Principal.

    • Note the Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Client ID and the Secret values

    • Create a json object that looks like the following

          "clientId": "value",
          "clientSecret": "value",
          "subscriptionId": "value",
          "tenantId": "value"
    • In your GitHub repository Settings, create an Action secret named "AZURE_CREDENTIALS" and populate it with the json object above. This is used in the pipeline for azure/lgoin@1

        - uses: azure/login@v1
          creds: '${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}'
    • Create another Action secret to hold the subscription Id. Name it AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

    That's it. If everything is wired correctly, you are ready to run the pipeline.

Reference Implementation 1: App Gateway with internal APIM instance with Azure Functions as backend

Architectural Diagram: image

Deployment Details:

Deployment Methodology GitHub Action YAML User Guide
Bicep es-apim.yml README
ARM (Coming soon)
Terraform (Coming soon)