A simple GIS workflow with Python and R - Cugos Spring Fling 2017



Getting Started

  • If you are familiar with GitHub, fork and clone the repository. If not, download the repository and unzip to a working directory.

Getting Started with the Python Portion

  • Install Miniconda for your operating system. Please choose the Python 2.x version of Miniconda as not all packages we'll be using are Python 3-compliant.

  • Open your Anaconda prompt. Navigate to the directory containing environment.yml (included in the repo).

conda env create environment.yml  # Will create an environment called "geopandasenv"
source activate geopandasenv  # OSX and Linux
activate geopandasenv  # Windows.
  • In your Anaconda Prompt navigated to the Notebook directory, type in:
jupyter notebook
  • Click on SpringFling.ipynb and off we go!

Getting Started with the R Portion

  • Download R
  • Download R Studio
  • In R Studio, open the R/vector_tutorial.r file that came in the repository and off we go!