
A tool for easily making JSON data transformations

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tool for easily making JSON data transformations


npm install

How it works

You require two things to use this package: A set of data, and a description of how to transform that data.

In our examples directory, you will see a few examples of how this is put together.

To see it run in action, download and install, then run:

./bin/transform.js -c examples/hello-world/config -t examples/hello-world/transformers -p

To see a small example, or for a larger one:

./bin/transform.js -c examples/cards/config -t examples/cards/transformers -p


Here's our basic hello world:


This will be our source data, inside announcements.json

  "hello": {
    "say": "Hello world!",
    "repeat": 3

In the end, we will want it to look like this:

  "announcements": {
    "hello": [
      "Hello world!",
      "Hello world!",
      "Hello world!"


We need to instruct the system how to do the transform, so we will do that in announcements.js:

var _ = require('underscore');

 * @param {{}} config
 * @constructor
function AnnouncementTransformer(config) {
    this.config = config;

 * @param {{announcements: Object.<string, {say: string, repeat: number}>}} input
 * @param {{announcements: Object.<string, Array.<string>>}} output
AnnouncementTransformer.process = function(input, output) {
    if (!input.announcements || input.announcements.length < 1) {

    output.announcements = {};

    _.each(input.announcements, function (config, name) {
        output.announcements[name] = this.processAnnouncement(name, config);

 * @param {string} name
 * @param {{suits: Array.<string>, faces: Array.<string>, extra: Array.<string>}} config
 * @return {Array.<string>}
AnnouncementTransformer.processAnnouncement = function(name, config) {
    var messages = [];

    var count = config.repeat || 1;

    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    return messages;

module.exports = AnnouncementTransformer;