This package is intended to be used as a Lambda-based Hold Request Service using the NYPL PHP Microservice Starter.
This package adheres to PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 (using the Composer autoloader).
The Hold Request Service receives a request from the Discovery interface and processes the intended action. A request can be for a hold in Sierra or ReCAP.
Once the service validates the request, saves it to its database instance, and sends a new request to its Kinesis stream and returns a successful response or returns an error response.
After these responsibilities are met, the contract ends and another service takes over or the request terminates in a response from this service.
The Kinesis stream can be consumed in order to further process a hold request via a Sierra API service or ReCAP API service. These services will further process the hold request and make modifications, if necessary. These downstream services can update with information garnered from the APIs mentioned. These APIs can modify the Hold Request by changing its status.
A Hold Request is governed by the following Avro 1.8.1 schema:
"patron": "string",
"requestType": "string",
"nyplSource": "string",
"recordType": "string",
"record": "string",
"pickupLocation": "string",
"neededBy": "string",
"numberOfCopies": "int",
"docDeliveryData": {
"chapterTitle": "string",
"emailAddress": "string",
"startPage": "string",
"endPage": "string",
"issue": "string",
"volume": "string"
- recordType - (b, i, j)
- record - identifier [bibId (b), itemId (i), volumeId (j)]
- pickupLocation - NYPL location identifier
- neededBy - date when hold is terminated (business rules?)
- numberOfCopies - should always be 1 for ReCAP
- All require requestType, itemBarcodes, patronBarcode, trackingId, bibId, itemOwningInstitution, requestingInstitution
- Retrieval/Recall related: author, callNumber, deliveryLocation
- Temp record related: titleIdentifier
- EDD requires email
- EDD related: startPage, endPage, volume, issue, chapterTitle
- Node.js >=6.0
- PHP >=7.0
Homebrew is highly recommended for PHP:
brew install php71
brew install php71-pdo-pgsql
- Clone the repo.
- Install required dependencies.
- Run
npm install
to install Node.js packages. - Run
composer install
to install PHP packages. - If you have not already installed
as a global package, runnpm install -g node-lambda
- Run
- Setup configuration files.
- Copy the
file to.env
. - Copy
- Copy the
Authorization provided via OAuth2 authorization_code. Set scopes in the format of access_type:service. For example, read:holds to access the GET request method endpoints.
Various files are used to configure and deploy the Lambda.
is used locally for two purposes:
- By
for deploying to and configuring Lambda in all environments.- You should use this file to configure the common settings for the Lambda (e.g. timeout, role, etc.) and include AWS credentials to deploy the Lambda.
- To set local environment variables so the Lambda can be run and tested in a local environment. These parameters are ultimately set by the var environment files when the Lambda is deployed.
Configures npm run
deployment commands for each environment and sets the proper AWS Lambda VPC and
security group.
"scripts": {
"deploy-qa": "node-lambda deploy -e qa -f config/deploy_qa.env -S config/event_sources_qa.json -b subnet-f4fe56af -g sg-1d544067",
"deploy-production": "node-lambda deploy -e production -f config/deploy_production.env -S config/event_sources_production.json -b subnet-f4fe56af -g sg-1d544067"
Configures environment variables common to all environments.
Configures environment variables specific to each environment.
Configures Lambda event sources (triggers) specific to each environment.
To use node-lambda
to process the sample API Gateway event in event.json
, run:
node-lambda run
To use the PHP internal web server, run:
php -S localhost:8888 -t . index.php
You can then make a request to the Lambda: http://localhost:8888/api/v0.1/hold-requests
Create a Swagger route to generate Swagger specification documentation:
$service->get("/docs", SwaggerGenerator::class);