
Simple sorter for Digital Gammasphere data. Dumps to ROOT.

Primary LanguageC++



Notes: Debian Based linux's include: Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint

  1. Use Linux or Mac.
    • Seriously, who does this stuff with Windoze?
  2. Ensure you have your basic build tools installed:
    • Linux (Debian Based): sudo apt install build-essential
    • Mac: Install XCode from the App Store
  3. Ensure zlib is installed:
    • Linux (Debian Based): sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
    • Mac (with HomeBrew): brew install zlib
  4. Ensure CERN's ROOT Framework is installed:
    • Linux (most flavors): Go through annoying ROOT build and install procedure
    • Mac (with HomeBrew): brew install root
  5. Ensure CMake is Installed:
    • Linux(Debian Based): sudo apt install cmake
    • Mac (with HomeBrew): brew install cmake


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to a directory for code projects
  2. Clone this Repository (git clone git@github.com:jmatta1/SimpleDgsSort.git or git clone https://github.com/jmatta1/SimpleDgsSort.git)
  3. Navigate into the directory created cd SimpleDgsSort
  4. Enter the command make -j <num> release where is the number of cores to use for building.