
Wave PHP - Double Loop Tutorial

Primary LanguagePHP

Wave PHP - Double Loop Tutorial

This tutorial will walk through practicing the Double Loop Workflow to create a small application.



Setup - Do this before the conference!

  • composer install
  • docker-compose up -d
  • edit hosts file   local.chirper.com   api.chirper.com   db.chirper.com

Note: If you're using docker-machine instead of Docker Desktop (Docker for Mac / Windows), use the correct IP address

  • Browse to api.chirper.com:3001 and confirm there is a PHP info page

If you are unable to complete these steps before the tutorial, please message me on Twitter @jessicamauerhan - and we will debug, or we will get it working day of.


Run Project

  • First, follow the steps in the Setup section if you haven't already.
  • docker-compose exec api vendor/bin/phinx migrate will setup the database


Ensure in Project Setup

  • phinx.yml
  • empty db migrations/seeds folders
  • behat.yml
  • phpunit.xml
  • TestCase with Faker
  • Response/Request classes
  • All core classes and test classes with tests commented out

Creating Chirps Task

Add & Run Behavior Test
  • Add feature file features/create-chirp.feature
  • View prompts: vendor/bin/behat
  • Create new Context File: CreateChirpContext
  • configure behat.yml
  • vendor/bin/behat --append-snippets
  • vendor/bin/behat
  • Fill in test code
    • Add Faker to Context, generate some text
    • Add Guzzle Client to Context, post a chirp
    • Use Guzzle to request the timeline, throw exception if not present

Add Unit Tests

  • Add Unit Test for ChirpIoService->create
    • Create Method needs To:
      • Process/Handle User Input
      • Persist Data (DB)
      • Return an appropriate response.
    • Do proof-of-concept working code first if needed
      • Stub request data
      • Persist Data
        • need DB migration
          $table = $this->table('chirp', ['id' => false, 'primary_key' => 'id']);
          $table->addColumn('id', 'uuid')
                ->addColumn('chirp_text', 'string', ['limit' => 100])
                ->addColumn('author', 'string', ['limit' => 200])
                ->addColumn('created_at', 'datetime')
        • vendor/bin/phinx migrate (within container)
      • Write SQL
      • Run POC.
    • Design action method to handle this
      • All routes will use PSR-7 request/response (uses Guzzle PSR 7 interface)
        • Create PSR-7 compliant Request/Response base classes
      • Process User Input - Validation & Transformation
        • Better to pass objects vs primitives, create a Chirp Object
      • Create Create Action
        • stub tests:
          • takes request and passes data to transformer to get Chirp object
            • Handle exceptions, means data isn't valid, return error response
          • sends Chirp to persistence layer
            • if exception, return error response
          • If successful, transform saved Chirp back to json
            • if error, return an internal server error
            • if success, return chirp created response
        • fill in tests, finish Action class
    • Fill in JsonApiTransformer Tests & Class with simple validation version
      • To chirp success
      • To chirp failures
        • Refactor Checks
      • toJson: assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString
    • Persistence Layer
      • Fill in PDO Persistence Layer Tests
    • Wire up everything in the router.
      • Design Integration Test for Route.

Run Behavior Test

Add Unit Tests

- Create Unit Test for Timeline Action
    - Needs to get all Chirps from DB
    - Return Response
- Fill in
- Run all unit tests, fail, finish the new classes