Give onigiri an ingredient description from a recipe and it will parse the ingredeint name and the ammount used.
For example
result = Onigiri::Onigiri.parse('5 tablespoons of tomato sauce')
result.status # :success
result.ammount # 5.0
result.measurement # 'tbsp'
result.ingredient # 'tomato sauce'
result = Onigiri::Onigiri.parse('10 large chopped onions')
result.status # :success
result.ammount # 5.0
result.measurement # 'tbsp'
result.modifier # 'choppped'
result.ingredient # 'tomato sauce'
it can also handle written ammounts such as a banana i.e. 1 banana or 1/2, 3/4 etc
Onigiri::Onigiri.parse('a frozen banana')
result.ammount # 1.0
result.modifier # 'frozen'
Onigiri::Onigiri.parse('1/2 diced pepper')
result.ammount # .5
result.modifier # 'diced'
If it can't parse a string for any reason resut.status will return :failed or :amibigous
:failed means epic fail and the string is propbably not an ingredient description at all
:ambiguous means the passed string could possibly be an ingredient description but it couldnt parse it (there were some matches but not enough to parse reliably)
result.text # holds the original string
result.normalized_text # returns a cleaned up version of the string (probably of no use)
I havently created a gem version of this but you can use bundler to install via
gem 'omusubi', :git => '....'
(there already is a gem called onigiri so i have called it omusubi in the gemspec (a synonym for onigiri) - this is a todo to fix ).
- Onigiri::Onigiri is annoying, dont need Onigiri class.
- remove definitions of ingredients, measurements etc to their own files.
- and more!