
Monash Time-Series Forecast in Reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) format

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Monash Time Series Forecasting Replication

1. About this Project

In this project we attempt to replicate results from a 2021 paper on the motivation and creation of the Monash Time Series Forecasting Archive, a project spearheaded by a group time series researchers from Monash University and the University of Sydney.

The archive contains datasets spanning multiple domains (industries) as well as 13 forecasting models, 6 of which are canonical univariate models, and 7 of which are global models that have shown positive results in recent years.

The researchers aimed to generate a repository and paper to showcase and compare the performance of time-series models in different public datasets.

We invite you to take a look at their work as well:

1.1. Goal

Our main goal is to replicate Table 1 and Table 2 from the paper in an automated way using conda environment and dodo, generating a Latex file with a short analysis and challenges found in the process.

2. Build the Enviromnet

Using R and Python together inside conda is sometimes a problem, specially when dealing with older package versions.

During the creation and updates of the project, we have run into different problems and have found ways to work with both Mac and Windows.

2.1. Install TexLive

Check that you have installed TexLive. TexLive is useful to generate pdfs from latex files. If it is not currently installed in your computer, you can download it here:

2.2. Update Your Version of Conda

Afterwards, check you version of conda is recent. Some versions from 2023, like 23.7.4, are not expected to work due to problems with Rcpp and RArmadillo, which are necessary for running the models.

Run the following to check conda version:

conda --version

The output should be your current conda version. We strongly recommend using 24.1.2, while also believing that even newer versions should not cause a problem.

If your version is 24.1.2, go to step 3.

Ideally, update conda version to 24.1.2, run:

conda install -n base -c defaults conda=24.1.2

Close and open the terminal, and run the following to check you version:

conda --version

If you version is now 24.1.2, go to step 3.

Your version might still show up as the one that you already had. In this case, run:

conda install -n base -c defaults conda=24.1.2 --force-reinstall

Close and open the terminal, and run the following to check you version:

conda --version

If you version is now 24.1.2, go to step 3.

If you version is still another one, we recommend uninstalling anaconda and installing it again. Simple tutorials on how to do this can be found here:

After installing it, you must make sure that conda shortcut is accessible.

Again, run the following to make sure that your version is the right one:

conda --version

2.3. Install CMake

CMake is a software helpful (and sometimes necessary) to run specific R packages with C and C++ dependencies.

Check if CMake is already installed in your computer. If it is installed, go to step 4.

If not, acess the following link or install it via brew:


brew install cmake

2.4. Create Conda Virtual Env

Clone the repository in your local machine, open a terminal in the main folder and run:

conda deactivate

If you have already created a mtsr before, delete it before recreating:

conda remove --name mtsr --all

If your operating system is Mac or Linux, run:

conda create -n mtsr -c conda-forge python=3.11.8 r-base=4.3.2

If your operating system is Windows:

conda create -n mtsr -c conda-forge python=3.11.8 r-base=4.1.3

Finally, activate the virtual environment created.

conda activate mtsr

The versions specified of R and Python are the ones that work best for the anaconda distribution. Windows and Mac have different versions of r-base given the same conda version. The same divergence happens for r-glmnet package.

The original project was created using R: 4.0.2, Python: 3.7.4, which is not a possible option, considering recent versions of conda.

For the following steps, it is crucial that the mtsr virtual environment is current active.

Inside command line, run:

chmod +x install_packages.sh

This should make install_packages executable.

If running in Windows, ensure that you can add the run bashrc by specifying the paths:

. C:/{path-to-conda}/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
export PATH="C:/Users/{path-to-conda}/anaconda3/bin/Scripts:$PATH"

If you are running in Windows and it does not work, copy the content install_packages.sh, paste into the command line and run it (while less automated, it might even be a simpler solution for Windows).

Otherwise, run the following:


If the script does not work, do the same procedure suggested for Windows before: copy the content install_packages.sh, paste into the command line and run it.

The install_packages.sh is a bash script that:

  • In the case of Windows, uses source ~/.bashrc in case it exists to ensure the rest of the file executable.
  • iterates and install R packages via conda forge based on the OS system that you have.
  • Install Python packages via pip.

The different OS systems have different versions of the R packages inside conda. This happen even when the version of conda is the same.


  • r-glmnet best version available in Windows is r-glmnet=4.1_2 and in Mac is r-glmnet=4.1.8.
  • r-base best version available in Windows is 4.1.3 and in Mac 4.3.2.

All the installed packages can be found in:

  • requirements_py.txt
  • requirements_r_mac.txt
  • requirements_r_windows.txt
  • requirements_r_linux.txt

If other packages need to be installed and you would like to check their versioning, refer to the Appendix (in the end of README).

Make sure to check the versions of R packages available in conda for other OS systems.

2.5. Run dodo

Dodo is a similar tool to Makefile optimized for Python use.

In our dodo.py file, we have all the tasks to:

  • Downlaod datasets used to run the models.
  • Define the models and datasets that will run.
  • Run the selected models for the selected datasets
  • Generate Table 1 from the paper
  • Generate Table 2 from the paper
  • Generate other error metrics tables
  • Transform tables to latex
  • Update pdf of the output latex

Before running the dodo.py, go to the start of the dodo.py and define for which models and datasets you would like to update the results.

    'all': False, # All overrides the rest
    'arima': False,
    'catboost': False,
    'ets': False,
    'pooled_regression': False,
    'tbats': False,
    'ses': False,
    'theta': False,
    'dhr_arima': False,


If you select all for CHOSEN_MODELS, all available models will be updated for the selected dataset.

If you select all for CHOSEN_DATASETS, all available datasets will be updated for the selected models.

If the CHOSEN_DATASETS list is empty or the CHOSEN_MODELS values are all False, no models will be updated.

In your first trial, we invite you to check the results with all the CHOSEN_MODELS values equal to False in order to ensure that the Latex file is updated. It would still work, since we keep the key results from previous updates.

After setting the lists as wanted, run (from the main folder - not from src) inside the command line:


The command should do every step from downloading the data until updating the pdf.

3. General Directory Structure

For our project, we are using the doit Python module as a task runner. It works like make and the associated Makefiles. To rerun the code, install doit (https://pydoit.org/) and execute the command doit. Note that doit is very flexible and can be used to run code commands from the command prompt, thus making it suitable for projects that use scripts written in multiple different programming languages.

Furthermore, doit can be executed specifying which tasks will run. For instance, if you want to just run the models:

doit download_data
doit update_chosen_models_and_datasets
doit run_fixed_horizon_R_script
  • The output folder contains tables and figures that are generated from code. The entire folder should be able to be deleted, because the code can be run again, which would again generate all of the contents.

  • The results is the folder in which the results of the models are stored. Inside, we have:

    • fixed_horizon_errors: has the error metric for each time-series of the dataset and a joint error metric for the dataset.
    • fixed_horizon_execution_time: has the execution time of each model run. It is not tracked in the github repository.
    • fixed_horizo_forecasts: has the forecasts of the time-series to calculate the error metrics. It is not tracked in the github repository.
  • The data folder contains all .tsf files that are downloaded online. It is not tracked in the github repository.

  • The reports contain our main Latex file, containing tables generated and short analysis of the results.

  • The src contains all the scripts that are run inside dodo.py and a jupyter notebook explaining their functions/files and expected results.

4. Appendix: Add more Packages to the Virtual Environment

If needed to add more packages to the environment use the requirements_py.txt to add Python packages and requirements_r.txt to add R packages.

It is necessary to specify the version used.

R packages have a bigger specification and are harder to add. Before adding an R package, run the the command line:

conda search -c conda-forge r-{package-name} --info

It will give you the version of the package that works for the current version of R we have in the virtual environment. Make sure to add the package version that is viasible for the current version of our environment.

For instance, if you want to install tidyverse:

conda search -c conda-forge r-tidyverse --info

We see that v2.0.0 is for r-base >=4.3,<4.4.0a0, which is compatible with ours:

r-tidyverse 2.0.0 r43h6115d3f_0
file name   : r-tidyverse-2.0.0-r43h6115d3f_0.conda
name        : r-tidyverse
version     : 2.0.0
build       : r43h6115d3f_0
build number: 0
size        : 414 KB
license     : MIT
subdir      : noarch
url         : https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/r/noarch/r-tidyverse-2.0.0-r43h6115d3f_0.conda
md5         : 19659846ac7b0101a848f53b392b833c
timestamp   : 2023-09-26 19:23:00 UTC
  - r-base >=4.3,<4.4.0a0
  - r-broom >=1.0.3
  - r-cli >=3.6.0
  - r-conflicted >=1.2.0
  - r-dbplyr >=2.3.0
  - r-dplyr >=1.1.0
  - r-dtplyr >=1.2.2
  - r-forcats >=1.0.0
  - r-ggplot2 >=3.4.1
  - r-googledrive >=2.0.0
  - r-googlesheets4 >=1.0.1
  - r-haven >=2.5.1
  - r-hms >=1.1.2
  - r-httr >=1.4.4
  - r-jsonlite >=1.8.4
  - r-lubridate >=1.9.2
  - r-magrittr >=2.0.3
  - r-modelr >=0.1.10
  - r-pillar >=1.8.1
  - r-purrr >=1.0.1
  - r-ragg >=1.2.5
  - r-readr >=2.1.4
  - r-readxl >=1.4.2
  - r-reprex >=2.0.2
  - r-rlang >=1.0.6
  - r-rstudioapi >=0.14
  - r-rvest >=1.0.3
  - r-stringr >=1.5.0
  - r-tibble >=3.1.8
  - r-tidyr >=1.3.0
  - r-xml2 >=1.3.3
  - _r-mutex 1.* anacondar_1

Therefore, we install it:

conda install -c conda-forge r-tidyverse=2.0.0

As we can see above, we change the space between the package and its version to a = sign.