
A MAUI library to display particles e.g. confetti. Should work on all platforms.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A MAUI library to display particles e.g. confetti. Should work on all platforms. Ported from the Xamarin Forms version of this library: https://github.com/mariusmuntean/Particle.Forms

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API Reference

The starting point is the class ParticleView.

BindableProperty Default Description
IsActive true Whether or not the control is displaying particles. Use this property to stop and restart the particles.
IsRunning true Whether or not the control is animating particles. Use this property to pause and resume the particles.
HasFallingParticles false Whether or not falling particles should be shown.
FallingParticlesPerSecond 60 Amount of new particles to be added every second when HasFallingParticles is true.
AddParticlesOnTap false Whether or not to add particles on tap.
TapParticleCount 30 Amount of particles to add on tap when AddParticlesOnTap is true.
AddParticlesOnDrag false Whether or not to add particles on drag.
DragParticleCount 60 Amount of particles to add on drag when AddParticlesOnDrag is true.
DragParticleMoveType ParticleMovetype.Fall Particle movement type while dragging.
UseSKGLView False on all platforms except Android Whether or not to use the hardware-accelerated view for drawing.
ShowDebugInfo False Whether or not to show debug information.
DebugInfoColor LawnGreen Color to use when displaying debug information.

These properties aren't bindable.

Property Default Description
TouchParticleGenerator SimpleParticleGenerator A ParticleBase generator to be used when interacting with the ParticleView
FallingParticleGenerator FallingParticleGenerator A ParticleBase generator to be used when showing particles that fall from the top edge to the bottom
CanvasSize Contains the current canvas size

Usage Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
             Title="Custom Particles">
        <x:Array Type="{x:Type Color}" x:Key="ConfettiColors">

    <Grid VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"
          Margin="0 ,0, 0, 5">

        <particle:ParticleView x:Name="MyParticleCanvas"
                            Margin="0, 20"
                            ParticleColors="{StaticResource ConfettiColors}" />


To conserver resources you can pause the particles when the Page is about to disappear and resume when the Page is about to appear.

        protected override void OnAppearing()

            MyParticleCanvas.IsRunning = true;

        protected override void OnDisappearing()

            MyParticleCanvas.IsRunning = false;