This is a repository to store all the exercises, projects, and exams I complete in my Java programming course.
The repository is divided into three main folders:
Exercises: This folder contains all the exercises I complete in the course. The exercises are organized into three subfolders: Sequential, Conditional, Loops, and OOP, depending on the topic they cover.
Projects: This folder contains all the projects I complete in the course. Each project has its own folder within this main folder.
Exams: This folder contains all the exams I complete in the course. Each exam has its own folder within this main folder.
Sequential: This folder contains all the exercises that involve sequential structures, such as input/output, mathematical operations, and more.
Conditional: This folder contains all the exercises that involve conditional structures, such as if, else, switch, and more.
Loops: This folder contains all the exercises that involve loop structures, such as for, while, do-while, and more.
OOP: This folder contains all the exercises that involve object-oriented programming, such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and more.
Matrix: This folder contains all the exercises related to matrix operations.
ListofExercises-1: This folder contains a list of additional exercises to complete.
ListofExercises-2: This folder contains a second list of additional exercises to complete.
JuegoPente: This folder contains the code for the "Juego del Pente" project. This project is a Java implementation of the Pente board game.
Gestion de Tarjetas: This folder contains the code for the "Gestion de Tarjetas" project. This project use OOP.
Vergeflix: This folder contains the code for the "Vergeflix" project. This project involves using inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and the Comparable/Comparator interfaces
1 Quarter December: In this exam we put into practice basic knowledge of conditions, loops, arrays and matrix.
2 Quarter February: In this exam we put into practice already given knowledge and the dynamic data structure.
2 Quarter March: In this exam we put into practice knowledge already given and the OOP, polymorphism, inheritance, interfaces, Comparator/Comparable.
Feel free to contribute to this repository if you'd like. If you have an exercise, project, or exam you'd like to share, simply create a new folder within the corresponding folder and upload your code.
Thank you for reading the project and I hope you find it useful 😉
If you liked it please give me ⭐️