Django template tag for rendering Page objects as Bootstrap pagination HTML
- 1
Missing tag v1.7.1
#73 opened by ad-m - 3
relative GET parameters
#34 opened by LennyLip - 4
i18n and l10n
#29 opened by qcaron - 1
- 1
Lack of "centered" for "bootstrap_paginate"
#38 opened by ad-m - 3
KeyError: 'request'
#16 opened by paulrentschler - 0
- 0
Move the package to jazzband
#57 opened by camilonova - 2
Bootstrap 4?
#70 opened by josvleeuwen - 2
Incompatible with Django 2.1
#71 opened by ScottEvansDBCA - 2
- 2
- 5
- 2
'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'paginator'
#54 opened by azmainamin - 2
Date of next push to pypi?
#47 opened by richardbrockie - 9
- 1
show_index_range option adds additional queries by evaluating page.paginator.objectlist
#51 opened by bboogaard - 4
Django 1.10 compatibility
#44 opened by ad-m - 0
Add unit tests
#27 opened by jmcclell - 4
Ampersands in URLs are not escaped
#41 opened by wetneb - 4
Unicode strings support
#6 opened by manenko - 2
Not work with python 3.2
#39 opened by StasTelnov - 2
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Linking to an anchor within a page
#35 opened by mhb11 - 1
Use Bootstrap tooltips
#31 opened by qcaron - 1
- 1
pass url_extra_kwargs successfully to template_tag
#37 opened by apixon - 2
Does not work with python 3.4 and Django >= 1.8
#33 opened by LennyLip - 1
Modifying for other frameworks
#23 opened by jrhoads - 0
duplicate - please close
#22 opened by ashumz - 1
- 3
Bug in pagination.html
#5 opened by Cykooz - 1
- 1
Missing the README.rst file in dist
#2 opened by Cykooz - 1