
Create background blurred zones with Übersicht on Mac OS X

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Übersicht | Blur Widget

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Create background blurred zones with Übersicht on Mac OS X

Blur Übersicht Widget

Default Filters Values

filters =
    blur: 10
    brightness: 110
    saturate: 105
    contrast: 105

Definition of each blurred bloc

  • left, top, width and height are required (in pixels).
  • Optionnaly you can set additionals styles and image blur, brightness, saturate or contrast.

You can set to "auto" left or width and top or height


  • left: "auto" and width: 200 (200 pixels width bloc positioned on the right
  • left: 200 and width: "auto" (A bloc starting at 200px from the left to the end of the screen)
  • top: "auto" and height: 300 (300 pixels height bloc positioned on bottom)
blocs = [
        "left": 330
        "top": 98
        "width": 780
        "height": 44
        "style": {"border-radius":5, "border": "solid 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"}
        "left": 0
        "top": "auto"
        "width": "auto"
        "height": 190
        "blur": 8
        "style": {"border-top": "solid 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"}