
Web Mobile branch is a collection of submodules, each representing a unique project from Ecole 42.

Web, mobile branch

Web branch

Piscine Django Solo63h9450 0. Initiation - 0. Starting(1500) - 0. Oob - 1. Lib(3475) - 1. Base Django - 2. SQL(1000) - 3. Sessions - 3. Advanced - 3. Final(3475)
Piscine Symfony Solo63h9450 0. Initiation - 0. Starting(1500) - 0. Oob - 1. Composer(3475) - 1. Base Symfony - 2. SQL(1000) - 3. Sessions - 3. Advanced - 3. Final(3475)
Tokenizer Solo98h9450 This project allows you to learn the basics in web3. You will have to create your personal token!
darkly Group 298h6300 Introductory project to computer security in the specific domain of the web, this project will make you dissect a vulnerable website. In doing so, you will develop your own way of thinking about security in a web application and become aware of the problems related to simple development errors, both from a programming point of view and from a design point of view.
camagru Solo 49h 4200 This project is a warmup for web. You will need to realize, a small, instagram-like website allowing its users to create and share photomontage. You will, from scratch, implement basic functionnalities used by any website with a userbase
matcha Group 2 98h 9450 This second project will introduce a more evolved tool to create your web applications: the micro-framework. We invite you to create, in the language of your choice, a dating site. Interaction between users is the heart of the project!
red-tetris Group 2147h15750The goal of this project is to develop a multiplayer tetris game on the network with a set of software exclusively from Full Stack Javascript.
music-room Group 2-4196h25200Project in partnership with Deezer. In a group, create a complete mobile app of collaborative playlist using the SDK and API of Deezer. On the menu, mobile native development, back-end development and creation of API REST.
hypertube Group 2-4196h15750Last project in this series, the Hypertube project invites you to discover an extremely powerful tool category: MVC frameworks. You will learn how to manipulate a MVC, in the language of your choice, to create a streaming site of videos downloaded via the BitTorrent protocol.
pie  title XP for Web projects
	"Piscine Django"  : 9450
	"Piscine Symfony"  : 9450
	"Tokenizer"  : 9450
	"camagru"  : 4200
	"darkly"  : 6300
	"matcha"  : 9450
	"red-tetris"  : 15750
	"hypertube"  : 15750
	"music-room"  : 25200
pie  title required hours for Web projects
	"Piscine Django"  : 63
	"Piscine Symfony"  : 63
	"Tokenizer"  : 98
	"camagru"  : 49
	"darkly"  : 98
	"matcha"  : 98
	"red-tetris"  : 147
	"hypertube"  : 196
	"music-room"  : 196

Web branch

flowchart LR
	p(Piscine Django)
	p1(Piscine Symfony)
	0 --49h, 4200XP --> A
	0 -- 98h, 6300XP --> B
	0 -- 98h, 9450XP --> C((matcha)):::group
	0 -- 147h, 15750XP --> D((red-tetris)):::group
	0 -- 196h, 25200XP --> E((music-room)):::group
	C -- 196h, 15750XP --> F
    classDef group fill:#f96

Mobile branch

Piscine mobile solo63h42000. Basic of the mobile application(500) - 1. Structure and logic(950) - 2. API and data(1000) - 3. Design(2000) - 4. Auth and dataBase(2000) - 5. Manage data and display(3000)
ft_hangouts solo49h4200The goal of this project is to get you acquainted with mobile app development. You will create a contact management mobile app. You will have to understand how an mobile app functions, how mobile manages your application and how to use the SDK
swifty-companion solo49h4200This project is an introduction to mobile programming. The goal is to create, an application which will allow you to get infos about 42students, using the API.
swifty-proteins Group 2147h15750This project will give you the opportunity to create 3D scenes. For the most part, you will make an application that models ligands in 3D. This will also help you to deepen your knowledge of a mobile framework.
pie  title XP for Mobile projects
	"Piscine mobile"  : 9450
	"ft_hangouts"  : 4200
	"swifty-companion"  : 4200
	"swifty-proteins"  : 15750
pie  title required hours for Mobile projects
	"Piscine mobile"  : 63
	"ft_hangouts"  : 49
	"swifty-companion"  : 49
	"swifty-proteins"  : 147

Mobile branch

flowchart LR
	p(Piscine mobile)
	0(Mobile) -- 49h, 4200XP --> A((ft_hangouts))
	0 -- 49h, 4200XP -->B((swifty-companion))
	B -- 147h, 15750XP -->C((swifty-proteins)):::group
    classDef group fill:#f96