
Personal web page. Sort of.

Primary LanguageHTML

Hello there! Welcome to my lair. This is the git repository for my website.

My name is…

Well, for the time being I only use my first name for legal stuff. I simply go by my family names: Chumo Mata.

More about me?

I earned a degree in Computer Science—or Computer Engineering, I am not really sure how to translate Ingeniería Informática—at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, in Spain. I mainly work as an Enghlish teacher and actor. And I am also an aspiring director. For the time being I am just experimenting, but a man can dream, though. A man can dream.

To build the site I use…

Vim, Jekyll… and time.

Why do I need a README in this repo anyways?

For future reference. To have a list of things I plan implement on the website and to store the pages I check to build it, in case that may come in handy for me or someone else.


For sure


  • Stuff I may add after checking htmlhead
    • Add meta with generator?
    • Add link with author?
  • Test adding a photo to the home page.
  • Test adding photo (or photos) to bio.

I would like to thank

  • Jekyll's website. To be specific:
  • The Liquid template language manual.
  • MDN Web Docs for sooooo many things.
  • Stuff I added after checking htmlhead
    • Meta robots to suggest a behavior to search engines and crawlers.
  • Stack Overflow, of course. For lots of things, but these were a lifesaver:
    • This on how to for the scroll bar to appear to prevent the page from jumping.
  • On HTML units
  • A post with a guide on how to make your Jekyll blog multilingual.
  • On how to make it look good on mobile
    • This gist with CSS media queries.
    • This Stack Overflow post on how to target desktop tablet and mobile.
    • This Stack Overflow post reminding that there must be a meta tag declaring a behaviour for the viewport to get the media quieries to work.
    • This article about mobile first CSS.