
Scripts to pull DMARC reports from your mailbox (imap client) and convert it to Splunk friendly CSV format

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Script to pull DMARC records, process and pass it to splunk.

imap-client.py - Pull attachments from mail imap server and store it in the given directory. This is a generic program that can be used to fetch emails and/or attachments using IMAP protocol.

dmarc-parser.py - Convert the xml files to comma-seperated key=value pair (line oriented output for splunk). This script can handle large xml files

dmarc-convertor.sh - An uber script to manage the workflow end-to-end:

  1. Download attachments from mail server
  2. Unzip the attachments
  3. Parse unzipped xml files and convert it line oriented format for splunk



imap-client.py [-h] [-v] [--attachmentsonly] [--disablereadonly]
                      [--quiet] -s HOST [-p PORT] -c CACERTS -u USER -f FOLDER
                      -o OUTDIR [-S SEARCH] [-P PWDFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  --attachmentsonly     download attachments only
  --disablereadonly     enable state changes on server; Default readonly
  --quiet               supress all comments (stdout)
  -s HOST, --host HOST  imap server; eg. imap.mail.yahoo.com
  -p PORT, --port PORT  imap server port; Default is 993
  -c CACERTS, --cacerts CACERTS
                        CA certificates, which are used to validate
                        certificates passed from imap server
  -u USER, --user USER  user's email id
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        mail folder from which the mail to retrieve
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        directory to output
  -S SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        search criteria, defined in IMAP RFC 3501; eg. "SINCE
  -P PWDFILE, --pwdfile PWDFILE
                        A file that stores IMAP user password. If not set, the
                        user is prompted to provide a passwd

  % imap-client.py -s imap.example.com -c ./cacert.pem -u dmarc@example.com -f inbox -o ./mymail -S "SINCE \"8-Sep-2014\"" -P


dmarc-parser.py [-h] dmarcfile

positional arguments:
  dmarcfile   dmarc file in XML format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  % dmarc-parser.py dmarc-xml-file 1> outfile.csv


dmarc-convertor.sh -u user_emailid -s imapserver -c cacertfile [-p port] [-P pwdfile] [-h] 
    -u   User email id
    -P   File that contains user password. Default: The user will be 
         prompted to provide password if you leave this option.
         WARNING: The file should be with permission
         0400 or 0440 (ie should NOT be world readable)
    -s   IMAP server name
    -p   IMAP port number. Default: 993
    -c   CA certificate file (eg. cacert.pem), used to validate certificates
         passed from IMAP server
    -h   Help

  % dmarc-convertor.sh -u dmarc@example.com -P ./pwd -s imap.example.com -p 993 -c ./cacert.pem



shows a possible systemd call to execute the report collection. The env RUAFOLDER defines the IMAP folder where the reports are.

NOTE The above script expects imap-client.py and dmarc-parser.py available in $ROOT/bin. You may change the path by modifiying dmarc-convertor.sh.

Tested on python 2.7