Platform-Fighting Game in 2D written in C++11

Primary LanguageC++

The Epic Ultimate Showdown of Doom for Awesome Badassness

2D Platform-Fighting Game written in C++11 / Python

Known issues

  • knockback not balanced (too low)
  • death not possible
  • Pedro Panda's hitbox is too big
  • Pedro Panda's UpB and DownB not handled
  • Poney's DownA not handled

Project setup

  • demo - small demo written to present EUSDAB
  • scripts - various scripts used in development
  • include - header files
  • src - source files
  • tests - executable tests (all built with CMake)
  • assets - images, sounds, etc...
  • lib - SFML binaries


EUSDAB is build with CMake

  • Boost 1.4+
  • SFML 2.0+
  • SFML dependencies :
    • pthread
    • opengl
    • xlib
    • xrandr
    • freetype
    • glew
    • jpeg
    • sndfile
    • openal

If you have any trouble building, check here for more details on SFML's requirements.


cd /path/to/eusdab
cmake . # for a basic build (adds temp CMake files in the project tree)
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. # for an out-of-source build
make eusdab # or just "make" if you want to build all the tests