API catalog of the trees in Tête d'Or (Lyon)


There is a manage.py script for development purposes only, the distmanage.py script will use Heroku credentials (assuming the config environment vars are set in your and therefore will operate on the production database.

Both scripts work the same way. Run them without arguments and you will get the full list of commands available.

Importing trees into the database

./manage.py import-trees

This import command reads a arbres.csv csv export (at the root of the project) and updates the database.

Importing trees coordinates into the database

./manage.py import-gps

This import command reads a gps.csv csv export (at the root of the project) and updates the database.

Running the local development webserver

./manage.py runserver


  • Python 3 (untested on Python 2)
  • Django 1.7+
  • Django REST Framework 3+

If you have pip installed, use pip install -r requirements.txt to install directly the dependencies


Check out the Heroku guide for deploying Heroku apps.