
CLI tool to convert HAR files into JSON mocks, with options to generate Cypress intercepts and MSW handlers. Simplify API mocking for your frontend testing and development.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


@jmcorp/har2mocks is a CLI tool that converts HAR (HTTP Archive) files to JSON mocks. It can also generate Cypress intercepts and MSW (Mock Service Worker) handlers.


You can install @jmcorp/har2mocks globally using npm:

npm install -g @jmcorp/har2mocks


har2mocks [options] <har_file_path> <output_directory>


  • <har_file_path>: Path to the HAR file you want to convert
  • <output_directory>: Directory where the mocks will be generated


  • --clean: Clean the output directory before generating mocks
  • --cypress: Generate Cypress intercepts in a file named cypress-intercept.js
  • --msw: Generate MSW (mock service worker) handlers in a file named msw-handlers.js


  1. Basic usage:

    har2mocks ./path/to/file.har ./mocks-output
  2. Clean output directory and generate Cypress intercepts:

    har2mocks --clean --cypress ./path/to/file.har ./mocks-output
  3. Generate both Cypress intercepts and MSW handlers:

    har2mocks --cypress --msw ./path/to/file.har ./mocks-output


The tool will generate:

  • JSON mock files for each API endpoint
  • A file tree of the generated mocks
  • An API list table
  • Cypress intercepts file (if --cypress flag is used)
  • MSW handlers file (if --msw flag is used)

Example of output

API List:
| API                            | Method |
| /api/v1/auth/login             | POST   |
| /api/v1/notifications          | GET    |
| /api/v1/reviewable/reviews     | GET    |
| /api/v1/titles/1926514         | GET    |
| /api/v1/titles/1926514/related | GET    |
| /api/v1/users/me/ratings       | GET    |

Generated File Tree:
└── api
    └── v1
        ├── auth
        │   └── login
        │       └── POST.json
        ├── notifications
        │   └── GET.json
        ├── reviewable
        │   └── reviews
        │       └── GET.json
        ├── titles
        │   └── 1926514
        │       ├── GET.json
        │       └── related
        │           └── GET.json
        └── users
            └── me
                └── ratings
                    └── GET.json


// Cypress intercepts for mocked APIs

cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/notifications", { fixture: "api/v1/notifications/GET.json" });
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/users/me/ratings", { fixture: "api/v1/users/me/ratings/GET.json" });
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/users/me/watchlist", { fixture: "api/v1/users/me/watchlist/GET.json" });


// This file contains handlers for Mock Service Worker (MSW) version 2.x
import { http, HttpResponse } from "msw";

import post_auth_loginMock from "./auth/login/POST.json";
import get_api_v1_notificationsMock from "./api/v1/notifications/GET.json";
import get_api_v1_reviewable_reviewsMock from "./api/v1/reviewable/reviews/GET.json";

export const handlers = [
  http.post("/api/v1/auth/login", () => {
    return HttpResponse.json(post_auth_loginMock);

  http.get("/api/v1/notifications", () => {
    return HttpResponse.json(get_api_v1_notificationsMock);

  http.get("/api/v1/reviewable/reviews", () => {
    return HttpResponse.json(get_api_v1_reviewable_reviewsMock);

## License