This is a simple script that automates the setup of acceptance test harness (ATH) in order to run tests with a specifc jenkins version.

Primary LanguageShell

CloudBees Test Runner (CBRT)


This is the solution to take-home exercise Part I.

Solution to Part II can be found in Risk Analysis pdf file located inside docs subfolder.

This is a simple script that automates the setup of acceptance test harness (ATH) in order to run tests with a specifc jenkins version.


CBRT requires:

  • Mac-OSx
  • Java 8
  • Curl
  • Chrome
  • IntelliJ IDEA, if running IDE


  • Script was developed using my personal Mac laptop.
  • Java, Chrome and Curl require admin priviledges to be installed.
  • Java 8 is required due to compatibility with the specific checked-out code revision.
  • I chose Chrome as it is one of most used and spread web explorers.
  • Rest of dependecies like maven, chromedriver, jenkins war and ATH code are fetched using curl.


  1. FIRST, clone the sources.
  2. SECOND, Run ./run_test.sh and it will setup everything:
    • Download dependecies
    • Setup dependecies
    • Run test
    • Generate and open test report
  3. THIRD, Run ./run_test.sh -h to get some help about usage.


  • Specific ATH revision is checked-out as it is known to be compatible with Jenkins 2.61.
  • CBTR offers the possibility of running test using different versions of Jenkins, Maven and Chrome driver.
  • First time running would take longer as needs to setup everything. Consecutives runs would be faster as eveything is already setup.


Juans-MacBook-Pro:cloudbees jmcruz$ ./run_test.sh -h
Usage: run_test.sh options (-c chromedriver_version) (-m mvn_version) (-j jenkins_version) (-t test_name) (-d) (-n) (-u) (-h)
-c chromedriver_version  :  specify chrome driver version (default 2.36)
-m mvn_version           :  specify mvn version (default 3.5.2)
-j jenkins_version       :  specify jenkins version (default 2.61)
-t test_name             :  specify test to run (default ScriptTest)
-d                       :  enable verbose output
-n                       :  skip tests and run IDE
-u                       :  clean-up before testing
-h                       :  show this help


You can avoid to run test automatically and open the IDE. For this you need to run following command ./run_test.sh -n.

This option allows you to debug and run test manually on the IntelliJ IDEA IDE.