Customized Nutrition & Fitness Planner - Happy, Healthy, & You

This application was created for Cornell Systems Engineering Course SYSEN-5160 for the final project assignment. The application is utilized in Streamlit and the code is based in python. All of the files in this repository link directly to the Streamlit Application. If information is changed in the repository, the code will also need to be updated, if not the application will break.

What it does

This application creates customized nutrition and fitness planners to meet the user's health goals.


Instead of struggling though diet fads, workout trends, and all the misinformation surrounding nutrition and fitness, I’m here to eliminate that confusion and tell you that this isn’t a one size fits all journey. So, I’ve created an app that does everything a nutritionist and personal training would do in one, and the best part is you can use right at home. Not only does this tool save you valuable time and money, it actually goes even a step further than most nutrition and fitness plans by understand you from a holistic standpoint and optimizing your plan based on what you tell it. Seems too good to be true, right? Well think again, this simple tool is something that everyone can use no matter what age!

Results based on Health Goals

Maintain Weight


Lose Weight


Gain Weight


How to run the application

  • Open with Streamlit


Please cite our work if you decide to use this for your own research.


Donahue, J., 2022. Customized Nutrition & Fitness Planner Application with Streamlit. [online] TBD

Work continuation / future improvements

Although this work was limited to just a semester, some additional improvments that could have been included given more time would be:
- Allowing users to "select" their prefered foods and their preferred exercises
- Creating full monthly meal plans based on those preferences
- Outputting a weekly exercise routinue