
FreeBSD bhyve manager utilizing ZFS

Primary LanguageShellBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

iohyve v0.7.7

"I Think I'll Go for a Walk Edition"

FreeBSD bhyve manager utilizing ZFS and other FreeBSD tools. Everything is fine.

iohyve creates, stores, manages, and launches bhyve guests utilizing built in FreeBSD features. The idea is based on iocage, a jail manager utilizing some of the same principles.


man iohyve			# Installs with 'make install'

cat iohyve.8.txt | less		# Quick and dirty txt file

Pre-Flight Checklist

As of v0.7 iohyve takes care of setting up your machine if you let it. Once you have created your ZFS pool named 'tank' you can run:

iohyve setup pool=tank

If you want iohyve to take care of networking, so you don't have to set up rc.conf you can do the following:

iohyve setup net=em0		# 'em0' is the interface I want bridge0 attached to.

You can even have iohyve load the required kernel modules:

iohyve setup kmod=1

You can also do all of the above at once:

iohyve setup pool=tank kmod=1 net=em0

If you want iohyve to set up the kernel modules and bridge0 every time you boot, add these lines to /etc/rc.conf:

iohyve_flags="kmod=1 net=em0"

If you want more control over your setup, feel free to read the handbook.

GRUB Guests

In order to boot guests using GRUB, you must install the sysutils/grub2-bhyve port. You can also just run pkg install grub2-bhyve if you'd like.


If you are using FreeNAS, you must also run this one-liner to link your datasets correctly.

ln -s /mnt/iohyve /iohyve

You may also want to check out the FreeNAS tunables section of their handbook so you can add iohyve_enable="YES" and iohyve_flags="kmod=1 net=[iface]" thus setting up the kernel modules and iohyve networking at boot time on your FreeNAS install.



setup <pool=poolname> [kmod=0|1] [net=iface]
list [-l]
info [-vsdl]
fetchiso <URL>
cpiso <path>
renameiso <ISO> <newname>
rmiso <ISO>
fetchfw <URL>
cpfw <path>
renamefw <firmware> <newname>
rmfw <firmware>
create <name> <size> [pool]
install <name> <ISO>
load <name> <path/to/bootdisk>
boot <name> [runmode] [pcidevices]
start <name> [-s | -a]
stop <name>
forcekill <name>
destroy <name>
rename <name> <newname>
delete [-f] <name>
set <name> <property=value> ...
get <name> <prop>
rmpci [-f] <name> <pcidev:N>
getall <name>
add <name> <size> [pool]
remove [-f] <name> <diskN>
resize <name> <diskN> <size>
disks <name>
snap <name>@<snap>
roll <name>@<snap>
clone [-r] <name> <clonename>
export <name>
console <name>

General Usage

List all guests created with:

iohyve list

You can change guest properties by using set:

iohyve set bsdguest ram=512M                 #set ram to 512 Megabytes
iohyve set bsdguest cpu=1                    #set cpus to 1 core
iohyve set bsdguest pcidev:1=passthru,2/0/0  #pass through a pci device

You can also set more than one property at once:

iohyve set bsdguest tap=tap0 con=nmdm0		#set tap0 and nmdm0

You can also set a description that can be a double quoted (") string with no equals sign (=). At guest creation, the description is the output of date

iohyve set bsdguest description="This is my string"

It's always prudent to destroy a guest before changing settings that may affect a running guest. It's also a good idea to destroy a guest after your installation phase has completed. Destroying a guest does not delete a guest from the host, it destroys the guest in VMM.

iohyve destroy bsdguest

Get a specific guest property:

iohyve get bsdguest ram

Get all guest properties:

iohyve getall bsdguest

Do cool ZFS stuff to a guest:

# Take a snapshot of a guest.
iohyve snap bsdguest@beforeupdate  #take snapshot
iohyve snaplist                    #list snapshots
iohyve roll bsdguest@beforeupdate  #rollback to snapshot

# Make an independent clone of a guest
# This is not a zfs clone, but a true copy of a dataset
iohyve clone bsdguest dolly	   #make a clone of bsdguest to dolly

Creating guest templates

You can lock a guest from being reinstalled, started, renamed, or deleted by making it a template. To set a guest as a template, you must set the template property to YES. The YES must be in all caps. EX:

iohyve set bsdguest template=YES

FreeBSD Guests

Fetch FreeBSD install ISO for later:

iohyve fetchiso ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/.../10.1/FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso

Rename the ISO if you would like:

iohyve renameiso FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso fbsd10.iso

Create a new FreeBSD guest named bsdguest with an 8Gigabyte virtual HDD:

iohyve create bsdguest 8G

List ISO's:

iohyve isolist

Install the FreeBSD guest bsdguest:

iohyve install bsdguest FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso

Console into the installation:

iohyve console bsdguest

Once installation is done, exit console (~~.) and stop guest:

iohyve stop bsdguest

Now that the guest is installed, it can be started like usual:

iohyve start bsdguest

Some guest os's can be gracefully stopped:

iohyve stop bsdguest

If you are having problems with a guest that is unresponsive you can forcekill it as a last resort. USE THIS WITH CAUTION, IT WILL KILL ALL PROCESSES THAT MATCH THE NAME OF THE GUEST.

iohyve forcekill grubguest

Other BSDs:

Try out OpenBSD:

iohyve set obsdguest loader=grub-bhyve os=openbsd58
iohyve install obsdguest install58.iso
iohyve console obsdguest

Try out NetBSD:

iohyve set nbsdguest loader=grub-bhyve
iohyve set nbsdguest os=netbsd
iohyve install nbsdguest NetBSD-6.1.5-amd64.iso
iohyve console nbsdguest

Linux flavors:

Try out Debian or Ubuntu (note LVM installs should work with os=d8lvm):

iohyve set debguest loader=grub-bhyve
iohyve set debguest os=debian
iohyve install debguest debian-8.2.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso
iohyve console debguest

Try out ArchLinux:

iohyve set archguest loader=grub-bhyve
iohyve set archguest os=arch
iohyve install archguest archlinux-2015.10.01-dual.iso
iohyve console archguest

Try out CentOS or RHEL (note version 6 would use os=centos6):

iohyve set centosguest loader=grub-bhyve
iohyve set centosguest os=centos7
iohyve install centosguest CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1511.iso
iohyve console centosguest

#####Use your own custom grub.cfg and device.map files

If you don't want iohyve to take care of the grub.cfg and device.map files, you can now "roll your own" and place them in the guests dataset (/iohyve/guestname/). Of course, you must set the guest properties loader=grub-bhyve and os=custom. For instance, if you have an OpenBSD guest located in /iohyve/obsd59/ and an install ISO in /iohyve/ISO/install59.iso/ and your pool is zroot, your files will look like this:

device.map file:

(hd0) /dev/zvol/zroot/iohyve/obsd59/disk0
(cd0) /iohyve/ISO/install59.iso/install59.iso

grub.cfg file for installation:

kopenbsd -h com0 (cd0)/5.9/amd64/bsd.rd

grub.cfg file after installation is complete:

kopenbsd -h com0 -r sd0a (hd0,openbsd1)/bsd