
Rovan is a powerful and customizable Django-based inventory management system designed to help businesses efficiently manage their products, orders, supplies, and various other inventory-related tasks.

Primary LanguageCSS

Rovan: Django Inventory System

Rovan is a powerful and customizable Django-based inventory management system designed to help businesses efficiently manage their products, orders, supplies, and various other inventory-related tasks. With Rovan, you can streamline your inventory management processes, improve productivity, and make informed business decisions.


  • Product Management: Easily add, update, and track products in your inventory. Each product can have attributes such as name, description, price, quantity, and more.

  • Order Management: Create and manage customer orders, track their status, and generate invoices. Get a comprehensive view of all orders and streamline the fulfillment process.

  • Supply Management: Keep track of your supplies, including raw materials, components, or any other items necessary for production or operations. Maintain optimal stock levels and receive notifications for low inventory.

  • User Roles and Permissions: Assign different roles (admin, manager, staff) to users and define their access levels to ensure data security and privacy.

  • Dashboard and Analytics: Get a clear overview of your inventory, sales, and order metrics through interactive charts and graphs. Analyze data to identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and optimize your inventory.

  • Reporting: Generate custom reports on inventory levels, sales, order history, and more. Export reports in various formats (CSV, Excel) for further analysis or sharing.

  • Responsive Design: Access Rovan from any device or screen size. The system is designed to provide a seamless experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.


To install and run Rovan on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/pochii-cloud/rovan.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd rovan
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment (optional, but recommended):
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up the database:
python manage.py migrate
  1. Create a superuser (admin account) to access the admin interface:
python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Start the development server:
python manage.py runserver
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to access Rovan.


Rovan comes with default settings, but you can customize them according to your requirements. The configuration file is located at rovan/settings.py. Update the necessary variables such as database connection, email settings, and others.


Contributions to Rovan are welcome! If you find a bug, have suggestions for improvement, or would like to add new features, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the contributing guidelines.


Rovan is released under the MIT License.


Rovan uses several open-source libraries and frameworks that we would like to acknowledge:

  • Django - Web framework
  • Bootstrap - Front-end framework
  • Chart.js - Charting library
  • Font Awesome - Icons
  • and many other amazing open-source projects!

We hope Rovan helps you streamline your inventory management processes effectively. Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated. Happy inventory management with Rovan!