
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


To log in to cmslpc with port forwarding:

ssh -L localhost:9999:localhost:9999 YOUR_USERNAME@cmslpc-sl6.fnal.gov

To install:

cd ~/nobackup # ~/nobackup area has more space
git clone https://github.com/jmduarte/gnn-fpga
cd gnn-fpga
source install_miniconda.sh
source install.sh

To setup (each time you log in):

source setup.sh

To run jupyter notebook over the same port (and keep it in background):

jupyter notebook --ip --port 9999 --no-browser &

Then on your laptop (or local computer) you can open the provided link in your browser, which looks like (for example):

To run the muon graph creation (for example) do:

python prepareMuonGraphs.py --input-muon-dir /eos/uscms/store/group/l1upgrades/L1MuonTrigger/P2_10_4_0/ntuple_SingleMuon_Endcap_2GeV/ParticleGuns/CRAB3/190416_194707/0000/ --input-pu-dir /eos/uscms/store/group/l1upgrades/L1MuonTrigger/P2_10_4_0/ntuple_SingleNeutrino_PU200/SingleNeutrino/CRAB3/190416_160207/0000/