
Analyze plugin in Sonarcloud

Closed this issue · 8 comments

An requirement of Sonarqube for deploying plugins to their Marketplace:

It is analyzed on SonarCloud and the quality gate is green when doing a release.

See Deploying to the Marketplace, no. 7

Asked in sonar community forum for advice, see as other language analyzers probably had the same issue in the past already

At least the java part can be analyzed in Sonarcloud

beware also of rule 3e: "The key of your plugin must be: not just the name of a language (e.g. cannot be java, rust, js/javascript, ...)"

The answer from Sonarqube in their community forum was that it is fine if only Java part is analyzed. That should be possible with the Maven scanner.
Unforunately there is no direct support for Appveyor available (like eg for Azure DevOps) this the upload to SonarCloud will have to be sone with a Ssttings file as described in the Maven scanner instruction.

@jmecosta I would propose to do These steps only for net472 analyzer and when #62 is fixed. What's your Point of view? Further as it's your repository you should propably also be the owner of the account.

i dont mind either way. feel free to put into the marketplace at your own pace :)