
client/server file encryption/decryption

Primary LanguageC


client/server file encryption/decryption Details on one-time pad encryption: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad

To Run on Linux: [1] Change permissions to execute compileall script chmod +x compileall

[2] compile the files compileall

[3] Start the encryption server and have it run in the background ./otp_enc_d [portnumber1] &

[3] Start the decryption server and have it run in the background ./otp_dec_d [portnumber2] &

[4] Generate a key (key should be at least as big as text file you want to encrypt) ./keygen [size of key] > [key filename]

[5] Send key along with text file to be encrypted to encryption server ./otp_enc [plaintext filename] [key filename] [portnumber1] > [ciphertext filename]

[6] You now have an encrypted file. To decrypt send the encrypted file and the key to the decryption server. ./otp_dec [ciphertext filename] [key filename] [portnumber2] > [decrypted filename]