Demo and explanation on how to do several common tasks for Xamarin.Forms Android in an Azure DevOps pipeline on a Microsoft-hosted agent. Tasks include: build-based version, APK signing, publishing artifacts, unit tests, and UI tests (both via emulator in Azure DevOps and via real devices in App Center).
- Alex-of-House-Derp
- alihut
- andreinitescuSkype: nitescua
- bagher-sohrabi
- DamianSuessXeno Innovations, Inc.
- DepechieDepSoft
- fabiochoupinaBank of New Zealand
- frankfanslcFatpipe Networks
- harvesitGold Coast
- InquisitorJaxCape Town, South Africa
- jaimemoraisPlanet Earth
- jmegner
- Kaytheist
- KevinHu-au
- martins-vds@Microsoft
- matt-goldman@SSWConsulting
- mattastic214Stillwater, MN
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- ninaadaBengaluru
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- purtyb1tch92
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- SteliosPapamichailAirhub
- tiny-dancerMinneapolis, MN - USA
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- zainalsalamunBinar Academy