
Quickly start up new projects from examples on Github.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quickly start up new projects from examples on Github. gif of tpl in action


install tpl globally so you can access it on the command line

npm install -g @jmegs/tpl
# or yarn global add @jmegs/tpl

What it does

tpl will shallow clone a repository and re-initialize git, so you have a clean start to your project, without any of the authors commits to worry about.

It basically wraps this squence of commands so you don't have to remember them.

git clone --depth 1 <repo> <directory> && cd <directory> && rm -rf .git && git init && git add -all && git commit -m 'initial commit'


tpl accepts two arguments

  1. the repo you want a copy of
  2. the directory you want to put it in (optional)

the repo can either be a full github link or the shorthand <user>/<repo>

# make a fresh copy of static-starter in my-new-site
tpl jmegs/static-starter my-new-site
# make a fresh copy of react-website-starter in a directory of the same name
tpl https://github.com/broccolini/react-website-starter.git

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