
Copy photos between photo sites (currently supports Google+/Picasa to Facebook)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Picopy is a tool for copying photos between web services. It runs entirely in client-side javascript and is designed to make it easy to plug in new services. It currently supports copying from Google+/Picasa to Facebook.


  • Preserves album names, album order, and image order within the album
  • Preserves original captions
  • Adds link to the original Google+/Picasa photo on Facebook
  • Intuitive progress indicator shows each image move over as it gets copied
  • Allows copying of all Google+/Picasa photos including private albums (does not yet propagate privacy settings)


  • GoogleSync.js: Google login, enumerate Google+/Picasa albums and photos
  • FacebookSync.js: Facebook login, enumerate Facebook albums and photos, create album, add photos
  • Picopy.js: The main javascript code - mostly UI related.
  • Live.js: A modified version of Live.js which supports reloading javascript
  • Debug.js: A helper to map hotkeys to functions