
Use Tailwindcss in your cross platform React Native applications.

This library is currently stabilising for a v1 release.

Follow the v1 milestone to track the progress.

import { Text } from "react-native"
import { TailwindProvider } from "tailwindcss-react-native"

export function Test({ isBold }) {
  return (
     <Text className="font-bold">Basic usuage</Text>
     <Text className={isBold ? "font-bold" : ""}>You can use compueted styles</Text>
     <Text className="font-bold" style={{ color: 'green' }}>Works with existing styles</Text>
  • native support for multiple platforms (RN Stylesheets, CSS Stylesheets)
  • fast refresh compatible
  • respects all tailwind.config.js, including themes, custom values, plugins
  • supports dark mode / media queries / arbitrary classes
  • compatible with existing styles
  • supports Server Side Rendering (SSR) on Web (including responsive styles)

Already using another RN library for Tailwind? Find out why you should switch.

Getting started

Install the library

npm install tailwindcss-react-native tailwindcss or yarn add tailwindcss-react-native tailwindcss

Add tailwindcss-react-native/babel to your babel plugins

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: ["tailwindcss-react-native/babel"],

Add the TailwindProvider to your application

import { TailwindProvider } from 'tailwindcss-react-native'

function MyAppsProviders ({ children }) {
    return (

Create a tailwind.config.js and set content

During development your application may work without a tailwind.config.js or the content option, but it will error when running in production.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  content: [
  // ...

tailwindcss peerDependency

This package has a peerDependency of tailwindcss@3.x.x. You can install it with npm install tailwindcss or yarn add tailwindcss

Typescript support

Create a file (eg. src/tailwindcss-react-native.d.ts) and paste this line

import "tailwindcss-react-native/types.d";

Web only

The platform web requires react-native-web@0.18+ (currently in preview). Please see this PR for more info. If your are currently using <=0.17 you can still use native for rendering within a browser.

If using { platform: 'web' } you will need to follow the follow the TailwindCSS installation steps to include it's styles in the application.

How it works

Under the hood, tailwindcss-react-native performs these general steps

  1. Use postcss to compile the classes using tailwindcss and other plugins
  2. Convert the CSS styles to the platform specific styles (eg using StyleSheet.create for native)
  3. Remove the className attribute and replace/merge it with the style attribute
  4. Replace the className string with a react hook to load styles and match media queries.

For detailed explaination see the platforms documentation for a more detailed explaination)


Simply add a className attribute to your existing react-native components

<Text className="font-bold">

You can combine it with existing styles

<Text className="font-bold" style={styles.text}>

Or perform computed logic

export function Test({ isBold, isUnderline }) {
  const classNames = [];

  if (isBold) classNames.push("font-bold");
  if (isUnderline) classNames.push("underline");

  return (
    <Text className={classNames.join(" ")}>Hello world!</Text>


Options can be provided via the babel config

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [["tailwindcss-react-native/babel", { platform: "native" }]],
Option Values Default Description
platform native, web native Specifies how the className is transformed (see platforms

You can also use native-inline, native-context to debug native
tailwindConfig Path relative to cwd tailwind.config.js Provide a custom tailwind.config.js. Useful for setting different settings per platform.
allowModules *, string[] * Only transform components from these imported modules. * will transform all modules
blockModules string[] [] Do not transform components from these imported modules.


Components are not being transformed

Make sure your tailwind.config.js content configuration is correct and matches all of the right source files.

A common mistake is missing a file extension, for example if you’re using jsx instead of js for your React components:

module.exports = {
  content: [
-   './src/**/*.{html,js}',
+   './src/**/*.{html,js,jsx}'
  // ...

Or creating a new folder mid-project that wasn’t covered originally and forgetting to add it to your configuration:

module.exports = {
  content: [
+    './util/**/*.{html,js}'
  // ...

Don't construct class names dynamically

The TailwindCSS compiler does not allow for dynamic class names. Use this pattern instead

- <div class="text-{{ error ? 'red' : 'green' }}-600"></div>
+ <div class="{{ error ? 'text-red-600' : 'text-green-600' }}"></div>

Don’t use className inside loops

tailwindcss-react-native is using a hook to load the styles and match media queries. For this reason, all components with a className attribute must follow the rules of hooks.

- export function Test() {
-  return [1,2,3].map((i) => <Text key={i} className="font-bold">Test</Text>

+ export function Test() {
+  return [1,2,3].map((i) => <StyledText key={i}>Test</Text>
+ }

+ function StyledText(props) {
+   return <Text className="font-bold" {...props} />
+ }

Don’t use className conditionally

The value of className can be conditional, but not the attribute itself!

- export function Test({ isBold }) {
-   if (isBold) {
-     return <Text className="font-bold">Test</Text>
-   } else {
-     return <Text>Test</Text>
-   }
- }

+ export function Test({ isBold }) {
+   return <Text className={isBold ? "font-bold" : ""}>Test</Text>
+ }