An instrumentable DHCP Packet GenServer for Elixir
Largely inspired by one_dhcpd
ExDhcp is an instrumentable DHCP GenServer, with an opinionated interface that
takes after the GenStage
design. We couldn't use GPL licenced material
in-house, so this project was derived from one_dhcpcd
At the moment, unlike one_dhcpcd
, it does not implement a full DHCP server,
but you could use ExDhcp to implement that functionality. ExDhcp is ideal for
using DHCP functionality for some other purpose, such as PXE booting.
If you would like to easily implement distributed DHCP with custom code hooks for custom functionality, ExDhcp might be for you.
A minimal ExDhcp server implements the following three methods:
It might look something like this:
defmodule MyDhcpServer do
use ExDhcp
alias ExDhcp.Packet
def start_link(init_state) do
ExDhcp.start_link(__MODULE__, init_state)
@impl true
def init(init_state), do: {:ok, init_state}
@impl true
def handle_discover(request, xid, mac, state) do
# insert code here. Should assign the unimplemented values
# for the response below:
response = Packet.respond(request, :offer,
yiaddr: issued_your_address,
siaddr: server_ip_address,
subnet_mask: subnet_mask,
routers: [router],
lease_time: lease_time,
server: server_ip_address,
domain_name_servers: [dns_server]))
{:respond, response, new_state}
@impl true
def handle_request(request, xid, mac, state) do
# insert code here
response = Packet.respond(request, :ack,
yiaddr: issued_your_address ...)
{:respond, response, state}
@impl true
def handle_decline(request, xid, mac, state) do
# insert code here
response = Packet.respond(request, :offer,
yiaddr: new_issued_address ...)
{:respond, response, state}
For more details, see the documentation.
The DHCP protocol listens in on port 67, which is below the privileged port limit (1024) for most, e.g. Linux distributions.
ExDhcp doesn't presume that it will be running as root or have access to that
port, and by default listens in to port 6767. If you expect to have access
to privileged ports, you can set the port number in the module start_link
Alternatively, on most linux distributions you can use iptables
to forward
broadcast UDP from port 67 to port 6767 and vice versa. The following
incantations will achieve this:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --src --dport 67 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p udp --sport 6767 -j SNAT --to <server ip address>:67
NB: If you're using a port besides 6767, be sure to replace it with your chosen port.
On some Linux Distributions (we see this on Ubuntu 18.04), the conntrack
netfilter will be enabled by default, which will cause the server to throttle
outgoing broadcast UDP packets, and this could adversely affect the success of
your DHCP functionality. If this is the case, you will see most of your UDP
send events drop with an {:error, :eperm}
error. The DHCP module traps these
and will remind you to check your conntrack settings. We were unable to
resolve this as desired except by downgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 or switching
to Alpine Linux.
There may be situations where you would like to bind DHCP activity to a specific
ethernet interface; this is settable in the module start_link
In order to successfully bind to the interface on Linux machines, do the following as superuser:
setcap cap_net_raw=ep /path/to/beam.smp
When implementing a DHCP service, you may want to spy on the requests and responses
in successful DHCP exchanges. For that purpose, we provide a DHCP snooper. To
run this snooper, forward both DHCP ports (67 and 68) to 6767 and run mix snoop
This will log %Packet{}
structs to the console that you may later use to generate
snapshot tests.
Available from Hex.
Documentation on Hexdocs.
The package can be installed by adding ex_dhcp
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_dhcp, "~> 0.1.3"}