Git repository for this python NET calculator. Repository was developped on Harvard odyssey cluster and is currently online at A full detailed documentation of this calculator is linked at the top of that site.
This repository contains:
- a basic constant library to store physical constants (
- the NET calculator libraries (
- a symlink that links to the latest version of the NET libraries (
- a python NET wrapper to run the calculator from the command line (
Additional folders/files needed are:
- am_spectra: contains 2 subfolders: sites and zones. The zones (rarely used) contains the annual profiles for the 5 zones defined in Scott Paine's am cookbook (, expanded to multiple altitudes and multiple elevations. The sites contains the annual profiles for all the sites defined in Scott Paine's am cookbook ( Some sites (ALMA, ACT, Spole ) have been expanded to work at any elevation from 14 to 90 deg.