This is a set of abstract classes that make it much easier to build chart dashlets in SugarCRM 6.2 or later. To install, copy the abstract classes to the custom/include/Dashlets/ directory.
Here's an example on how to build a chart dashlet from one of these:
Create a new directory custom/modules/Charts/Dashlets/YOURCHARTDASHLETNAME/
Add a YOURCHARTDASHLETNAME.meta.php file with the following contents
<?php $dashletMeta['YOURCHARTDASHLETNAME'] = array('title' => 'LBL_TITLE', 'description' => 'LBL_TITLE', 'icon' => 'icon_Charts_Horizontal_32.gif', 'module' => 'YOURCHARTDASHLETMODULE', 'category' => 'Charts' );
Add a YOURCHARTDASHLETNAME.lang.LANGUAGE.php file with the following contents:
Add the Dashlet class like the following ( example is for a bar chart )
<?php require_once('custom/include/Dashlets/DashletGenericBarChart.php'); class YOURCHARTDASHLETNAME extends DashletGenericBarChart { protected $_seedName = 'YOURCHARTDASHLETMODULE'; protected function getDataset() { $returnArray = array(); // Have this method get the data, put it in the associative array $returnArray return $returnArray; } }