Github Web Hook Listener in Node.js
Why fish? What receives a hook?
$ gitfish help
Usage: gitfish [forever options] action
Gitfish Actions
config build initial config file
start start gitfish
help show this message
Daemonized Actions
stop stop gitfish (when daemonized)
restart restart gitfish (when daemonized)
status status of gitfish (when de
Optional Gitfish Options
--daemonize : start gitfish daemonized
--config : default is `$CWD/config.json`
--port : override port from config
--token : override token from config
Supported Forever Options
--logFile [file] : forever log file location # default: /tmp/gitfish.log
--outFile [file] : stdout file location # default: forever log file
--errFile [file] : stderr file location # default: forever log file
--pidFile [file] : pid file location # default: /tmp/
--max [n] : max restarts on error
--plain : disable command line colors
--verbose : verbose forever output
What is forever?
Usage Examples
$ npm install git-fish
$ gitfish config
Listener port? [8000]
Security token? [secret]
Hook endpoint? [script] /foo
Hook script? [CWD/script.js]
Hook branch filter?
Saved configuration to /home/jmervine/config.json
$ cat config.json
"port": 8000,
"token": "secret",
"foo": {
"script": "/home/jmervine/script.js"
Configuration note:
can be anything;ruby
, etc. It doesn't have to be anode
Real World Config Example
Important Note:
path must absolute and the script must be executable.
"port": 8001,
"token": "shhh_do_not_tell_anyone",
"prod": {
"script": "/home/me/",
"branch": "master" // optional branch matcher
// "branch" can also be an array of branches:
// e.g. `[ "master", "develop" ]`
"dev": {
"script": "/home/me/",
"branch": [ "release", "develop" ] // optional branch matcher
Where /home/me/
is something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /path/to/mysite
# For safety, you can stash any changes, although best practice says
# there shouldn't be any here.
# git stash
git checkout master
git pull
make restart
And your post commit hooks would be: