
Example of MicroProfile Application deployed on OpenShift

Primary LanguageJava

Example for MicroProfile Config & Healthcheck

This is an example of a MicroProfile application that is running with WildFly Swarm

Description of the application

This application is a simple Web Service that returns a list of random integers.

When an users calls http://localhost:8080/, it will receive a list of random integers in a JSON array:

$ curl  http://localhost:8080/

The application uses MicroProfile Config to configure its behaviour. It defines two configuration properties:

  • num_size - the number of generated random integers (3 by default)
  • num_max - the maximum value of integer (Integer.MAX_VALUE by default)

These 2 properties are configured using the Eclipse MicroProfile Config API in the NumbersGenerator class.

@ConfigProperty(name = "num_size", defaultValue = "3")
private int numSize;

@ConfigProperty(name = "num_max", defaultValue = "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE)
private int numMax;

Build the application

$ mvn clean package

Run the standalone application

Let's run the application as a standalone UberJar and uses the default configuration:

$ java -jar target/numbers-swarm.jar
2018-01-15 11:58:50,658 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (main) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "numbers.war" (runtime-name : "numbers.war")
2018-01-15 11:58:50,677 INFO  [org.wildfly.swarm] (main) WFSWARM99999: WildFly Swarm is Ready

Configuring the application

We can now use System properties to change the configuration of the application to generate 5 (configured with num_size) integers between 0 and 10 (configured with num_max).

$ java -jar target/numbers-swarm.jar -Dnum_size=5 -Dnum_max=10
2018-01-15 12:01:18,345 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (main) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "numbers.war" (runtime-name : "numbers.war")
2018-01-15 12:01:18,357 INFO  [org.wildfly.swarm] (main) WFSWARM99999: WildFly Swarm is Ready
  • If we now go repeatedly to http://localhost:8080/, we see that the list of random integers has 5 elements between 0 and 10:

Determine the healthiness of the application

This application is trivial enough that its healthiness can be determined when it is started and we could shut it down if it is not the case.

However to illustrate the use of MicroProfile Healthcheck, we will use health check probes to determine the overall healthiness of the application.

The application defines 1 probe:

  • numbers.config is a probe that checks that the configuration of NumbersGenerator is correct.

The numbers.config probe is provided by the ConfigHealthCheck class. When this class is called, it verifies that the configuration of NumbersGenerator is correct. If it is correct, it returns UP. Otherwise it returns DOWN (as calls to NumbersGenerator.nextInts() will fail).

The healthiness of the application can be checked by calling the http://localhost:8080/health endpoint that is provided automatically by WildFly Swarm (the application does not provide this /health endpoint).

$ curl -v  http://localhost:8080/health
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"checks": [
"outcome": "UP"

The 200 OK response indicates that the overall healthiness of the application is UP (using the outcome property). It also lists the outcome of individual probes. In our case, the single numbers.config probe is UP.

Let's now start the application with an invalid configuration by setting num_max to -10:

$ java -jar target/numbers-swarm.jar -Dnum_max=-10
2018-01-15 12:23:16,951 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (main) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "numbers.war" (runtime-name : "numbers.war")
2018-01-15 12:23:16,966 INFO  [org.wildfly.swarm] (main) WFSWARM99999: WildFly Swarm is Ready

If we call the Web service, we get an error:

$ curl -v  http://localhost:8080/
< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be greater than origin

If we call the /health endpoint, it indicates that the application is indeed not healthy:

$ curl -v  http://localhost:8080/health
< HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
{"checks": [
{"name":"numbers.config","state":"DOWN","data": {"num_size":3,"num_max":-10}}],
"outcome": "DOWN"

The 503 Service Unavailable response indicates that the application is not healthy. The list of checks indicates that the numbers.config probe is DOWN. This probe includes data that helps identify why the check fails. We can see here that it is due to an invalid num_max value.

Deploy the application on OpenShift

$ oc login
$ oc status
$ mvn -Popenshift clean fabric8:deploy
$ oc get routes/microprofile-openshift-example
NAME                             HOST/PORT                                                      PATH      SERVICES                         PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
microprofile-openshift-example   microprofile-openshift-example-myproject.             microprofile-openshift-example   8080                    None

Configure environment variables in OpenShift

$ oc env dc/microprofile-openshift-example --list
# deploymentconfigs microprofile-openshift-example, container wildfly-swarm
# KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE from field path metadata.namespace

$ oc env dc/microprofile-openshift-example num_size=5 num_max=10

$ oc env dc/microprofile-openshift-example --list
# deploymentconfigs microprofile-openshift-example, container wildfly-swarm
# KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE from field path metadata.namespace

Configure the readiness probe

The readiness probe is automatically configured in OpenShift to use the /health endpoint of our application by the fabric8 Maven plugin is configured in the pom.xml:
