
Checks for SRF Tagesschau episodes and downloads them automatically. When dowloaded sends a notification with a link to watch the downloaded episode.

Primary LanguageJava


Because I am never up to date with the local and world news, I decided to write this little program to help me.

It automagically downloads new episodes that appear on the SRF Tagesschau feed to a server and sends me a Pushbullet notification with the main topics and a link to the episode when ready.


Copy src/main/resources/config.example.properties to src/main/resources/config.properties.

I will go trough all the configurable things in there in the section Properties. Note that the property names are subject to change as they are suboptimal right now.

After you set up the configuration, you can just run the app with java -jar tagesschau-helper.jar.

If you are on linux and want to collect the logs in a file you could do e.g. java -jar tagesschau-helper.jar > tagesschau-helper.log &


api.pushbullet.access.token is simply a Pushbullet API access token. You can get one on your Pushbullet account page.

api.pushbullet.access.token=<Your Pushbullet API access token>

api.pushbullet.target.id is a Pushbullet iden for the device you want to push to. Find the iden of your device using the /v2/devices endpoint.

api.pushbullet.target.id=<Target device iden>

db.episode.sqlite.file is the path to the file that should be used to store already downloaded episodes. It will be created if it is not already existent and the default of episodes.db should work for most people.


episode.target.folder defines the folder in which the downloaded episodes are placed. This could be e.g. /var/www/html/tagesschau/. The default setting will place the episodes in the folder episodes in the working directory.


notification.base.url determines the prefix for the links when sending notifications. If you are making the episodes available at e.g. https://srf-tagesschau.example.solutions/episodes/, then that URL would be the value to put there:


In this case, the link to the episode 1c8...3fa.mp4 would be https://srf-tagesschau.example.solutions/episodes/1c8...3fa.mp4.

The last one should be pretty self explanatory:

# Check for new episodes every ... seconds | 900 = 15 x 60