
A collection of code snippets, tiny tools, and scripts for bioinformatics data processing

Primary LanguagePython


Don't let those small scripts or code snippets get lost. They might come in handy for you in the future.

Welcome to BioToyBox, a collaborative repository of small scripts and commands for simple bioinformatics data processing tasks. We invite you to explore and contribute to this collection.


BioToyBox is a collaborative GitHub repository where you can find a collection of small scripts and commands designed to assist with common data processing and bioinformatics tasks. These tools are contributed to make your life easier when dealing with bioinformatics data.


Explore the following tools available in BioToyBox:

For detailed information on each tool, including code snippets and single-command usage, please refer to the scripts/README directory.

How to Use

To make use of the tools and scripts in this repository, simply follow the instructions provided in the scripts/README. You can clone the repository to your local machine and explore each script's documentation for usage guidance.


You are welcome to contribute to BioToyBox whenever you like - whether bug fixes, enhancements, or new scripts.