
Backup of the /lib/firmware/brcm folder containing necessary files to have the Wifi working on many devices including the RockPro64


What is this ?

This is a backup of the /lib/firmware/brcm folder I had on my RockPro64 while it was running Manjaro. The Wifi was actually working and since I'm very lazy and don't want to waste my time I decided to make a backup of it before switching to another distro.

How to use it ?

I only tested this with the RockPro64 running on Fedora !

  1. Make a backup of your /lib/firmware/brcm folder just in case (including the symbolic links !)

    cp -av /lib/firmware/brcm/ $HOME
  2. Delete the content of your lib/firmware/brcm folder

    sudo rm -rf /lib/firmware/brcm/*
  3. Copy the content of the files folder to your /lib/firmware/brcm one

    sudo cp -av files/* /lib/firmware/brcm/
  4. Reboot and the Wifi should be working