
Fault Tolerant sorting using RcB and two variants (java heapsort & C insertion sort) + watchdog timer

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to my fault tolerant sorting algorithm

Documentation (UML and use case seq. diagrams) are available in doc/

This algorithm uses RcB to sort a randomized list of integers (data generator is also provided). The primary variant algorithm is heap sort in java, the secondary (backup) algorithm is insertion sort in C.

To install (linux & mac only): chmod +x install.sh chmod +x run.sh ./install.sh

To run: ./run.sh

In some cases, pseudocode or example (mostly for file I/O) were used as reference. In this instances proper acknowledgments are noted in the code commentary. There is not necessarily need for licensing as the the concepts are considered common knowledge, however for completeness the license information is noted here and applicable licenses are included in the licensing dir, as well as this software's own license (Apache 2.0).

Wikipedia pseudo-code: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Stackoverflow (pre Feb 2016): CC-BY-SA 3.0 Stackoverflow (post Feb 2016): MIT (not requried to include licensing doc for more information: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/271080/the-mit-license-clarity-on-using-code-on-stack-overflow-and-stack-exchange) Codecodex: GFDL ECE 422 Example code by Dr. Dick is also used in this project.