
A cross-platform front-end for a set up wizard

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Setup Wizard

This project was started after frustrations and difficultly finding an easy-to-use/modify template for a front-end GUI that can run on virtually ever platform.

This project is written in python3 and requires the kivy framework. The kivy framework is available for Linux (ARM and x86), Windows, macOS and Android.

This project has been tested on the following: - Ubuntu MATE (ARM, 16.04) - Ubuntu (x86, 16.04) - macOS (10.13.13) - Windows (10)

It has NOT been tested on Android

It will include a number classes (inherited Screens) that are useful for general setup wizard screens, transitions between these screens and a general/familiar visual setup for a setup wizard.

Five Screens have been provided: - WelcomeScreen - InputScreen - TextScreen - ProgressScreen - FinalScreen

These screens should be inherited by the screens you wish to implement in your setup wizard: eg: def MyWelcomeScreen(WelcomeScreen): ...

For simple wizards, you can also simply modify these screen classes to your liking.

I have provided a Wizard.py to get your wizard running if you don't want to mess around with the implemented screen manager or other apps. I recommend editing this file or indeed replacing it entirely. Just remember to include the following in the replacement: from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager from kivy.lang import Builder

from screens import *

presentation = Builder.load_file("wizard.kv")

Each Screen has two methods: - on_back(): - on_next():

Where pythonic code should be overriden in your inherited class for these methods to complete whatever actions need to be taken when the user clicks either the back or next button.

Note that there are two exceptions, instead of an "on_back," WelcomeScreen has an on_exit() method, and similarly FinalScreen has an on_exit() method instead of an "on_next" method.

Attributions: The visual aspect of this project is based on the kivy documentation: https://kivy.org/docs/guide/widgets.html#adding-widget-background accessed on February 7, 2018

Code snippets from Kivy Documentation were used. Here are specific links and the dates they were accessed:

https://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.uix.screenmanager.html (Feb. 8, 2018) https://kivy.org/docs/_modules/kivy/uix/progressbar.html (Feb. 8, 2018)