A Django app to use email as username for user authentication.
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Expanded Readme
#16 opened by DianaProbst - 2
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Encrypting email that is used as login
#13 opened by dizzydes - 3
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Please release 1.1.3
#10 opened by oldenboom - 6
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Custom User model with no username field
#3 opened by AeroHil - 4
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On running the command: python create_custom_user_app Following error is generated - KeyError: 'skip checks' . /django_use_email_as_username/management/commands/", options.pop("skip_checks") KeyError: 'skip_checks'
#5 opened by ankit19s - 3
Add so it works with python 2
#2 opened by a-p-f - 3
Can I add gavtar (imagefield) in future
#1 opened by sant527