
Create and manage Node.JS packages with Yarn inside Emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Create and manage Node.JS packages with Yarn inside Emacs.

This package provides Emacs support for the Yarn package manager.



These commands are all available from M-x command menu:

Command Description
yarn-add Add a dependency
yarn-add-dev Add a dev dependency
yarn-add-exact Add an exact dependency
yarn-add-optional Add an optional dependency
yarn-add-peer Add a peer dependency
yarn-add-tilde Add a tilde dependency
yarn-bin Print install folder for executables
yarn-cache-clean Clean cache
yarn-cache-dir Display cache directory
yarn-cache-ls List cached packages
yarn-check Validate the version of all dependencies
yarn-check-integrity Validate the version and checksum of all dependencies
yarn-clean Remove unneeded files and folders from dependencies
yarn-config-delete Delete a local repository configuration key
yarn-config-get Display a local repository configuration key value
yarn-config-list List local repository configuration keys and values
yarn-config-set Set a local repository configuration key
yarn-global-add Add a global dependency
yarn-global-add-exact Add an exact global dependency
yarn-global-add-tilde Add a tilde global dependency
yarn-global-config-set Set a global repository configuration key
yarn-info Retrieve info on a package
yarn-info-json Retrieve JSON-formatted info on a package
yarn-info-readme Retrieve a package README
yarn-init Initialize a new package
yarn-install Install all dependencies of a package
yarn-licenses-generate-disclaimer Generate a disclaimer from all package licenses
yarn-licenses-ls List all package licenses
yarn-link Make package available to other packages for development
yarn-link-package Link an available package
yarn-login Login to the NPM registry
yarn-logout Logout of the NPM registry
yarn-ls List installed packages
yarn-outdated List outdated packages that are installed
yarn-owner-add Add a new owner to a package
yarn-owner-ls List owners of a package
yarn-owner-rm Remove an owner from a package
yarn-pack Gzip the package
yarn-pack-filename Gzip the package to a specified file name
yarn-publish Publish package to the NPM repository
yarn-publish-private Publish package privately to the NPM repository
yarn-publish-public Public package publically to the NPM repository
yarn-publish-tag Publish package to the NPM repository with a tag
yarn-remove Remove a dependency
yarn-run Run a script
yarn-self-update Update Yarn
yarn-update Update Yarn (alias for yarn-self-update)
yarn-tag-add Add a tag
yarn-tag-ls List all tags
yarn-tag-rm Remove a tag
yarn-test Run a test script
yarn-unlink Unlink a package already linked for development
yarn-upgrade Upgrade all dependencies
yarn-version Bump package version
yarn-why Information about why a package is installed


Command output is piped to the *yarn* buffer, except in the case of yarn-licenses-generate-disclaimer which is instead piped to the *yarn-disclaimer* buffer.

Example keyboard bindings

This package does not create keyboard bindings for you, instead, you must add them to your own Emacs init script.


(global-set-key (kbd "M-n i") 'yarn-install)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n n") 'yarn-init)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n a") 'yarn-add)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n r") 'yarn-run)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n p") 'yarn-publish)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n t") 'yarn-test)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n v") 'yarn-version)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n g") 'yarn-upgrade)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n u") 'yarn-update)


Credits to npm.el and contributors, which this package was forked from.