
Open Director allows you to create videos quickly and easily by importing your own photos, videos and adding titles on a timeline using "drag and drop".

Primary LanguageDart

Alt text

Open Director allows you to create videos quickly and easily by importing your own photos, videos and adding titles on a timeline using "drag and drop".

Open Director on Google Play

Developer info

Built with Flutter.


  • Android Studio, including Android SDK and emulators (I use API 28, beacause I found a bug in API 29).
  • Visual Studio Code with dart and flutter plugins.
  • Optional: dart and flutter plugins for Android Studio.


User environment variables. Examples for Windows:

ANDROID_HOME C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
HOME C:\Users\<user>

System environment variables:

PATH C:\flutter\bin; C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator

Check status and license acceptance (optional: dart and flutter plugins for Android Studio):

flutter doctor

Running and deploying

To check connected devices:

flutter devices

To check available emulators:

flutter emulators


emulator -list-avds

To launch an emulator:

flutter emulators --launch Pixel_2_API_28


emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_28

or from Visual Studio Code:

> shift + ctrl + p > Flutter: Launch emulator > Pixel_2_API_28

Run on connected device or launched emulator:

flutter run

To run from VS Code with hot reload and debug mode, on connected device or on a launched emulator:

> Debug > Flutter (launch)

Install apk on the connected device:

flutter clean
flutter build apk
flutter install

To generate an app bundle, because the apk is very fat:

flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64


This project is based on mobile-ffmpeg and is licensed under the LGPL v3.0. However, if source code is built using optional --enable-gpl flag or prebuilt binaries with -gpl postfix are used then MobileFFmpeg is subject to the GPL v3.0 license.