
Lightyear FullStack Engineer TakeHome Project Template

Primary LanguagePython

Lightyear FullStack Challenge Template

The Challenge

Hey friendly developer! Our CEO, Dennis, recently had an ask of us. He needs us to create a display of his most important customers, and be able to add, edit, and delete from this list.

I hope you can help us handle it, but I think you're up for the challenge!

For real though: Our team hopes that you can spend around two-three hours on this challenge. If you finish faster, that's awesome! If not, please don't spend too much longer, and instead just think about what else you might do/have done for our discussion.

Your Tasks

  • Primary Objective: create a functional display of customers, as well as basic CRUD ability through a backend API. Functionality is more important than beauty here, but we also want to see what you've got!
  • Customer information should at least include name, company, priority/importance of some sort (potentially through tags?), and can include any other fields your creativity may see fit.
  • Add a button that chooses a random customer and sets their priority/importance to the highest value you have determined.
  • When you have completed the challenge to your satisfaction, and prior to our scheduled discussion, send the zipped solution files to ryan@lightyear.ai.

Some Tips

  • We've provided you with a basic framework to hopefully get started faster from. This includes a basic Django Rest Framework and Postgres database in a docker container, and a bare bones React app.
  • Feel free to utilize whatever libraries, structure, or even a completely custom solution if you would like. The sky is the limit here!
  • Assume you don't need to worry about vast browser support

Running the Challenge Framework

If you decide to utilize our framework, we have some quick notes on getting it running on your local machine.


The backend and database are dockerized, and can be run by navigating to the backend folder, and utilizing the following commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The api should then be accessible from localhost:8000.


The React app was built using create-react-app, and can be run by navigating to the frontend directory and running the following commands in a seperate terminal:

yarn start

The React app should then be accessible from localhost:3000.